Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Purity of Blood

Purity of Blood

by BurningBlood 2 reviews

Harry escapes from his relatives house.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-08-02 - Updated: 2009-08-05 - 2021 words

A.N. Yes I've been working on the chapters I have out and I believe that this chapter is finally acceptable to be accurately judged. I did post most of these chapters prematurely as patience isn't really my strong suite. I apologize for that. Now then I'm going to say this if you wish to leave a review please do so however it would be much appreciated if you would only leave helpful reviews as just sitting there telling me my story sucks just waists both of our times so please stop it.

Yes the Weasley's letter made them look like ass holes. I wanted it to. They aren't bad people and the reason that all of that happened with them will be explained in later chapters as there is a method to my madness.

I don't own anything but original ideas. Harry Potter and all it's constituents belong to Mrs. Joanne Murray A.K.A J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 1: Goodbye to an Injured Heart

Harry stared at the clock inside of ‘his’ room at the Dursleys. ‘11:53 seven minutes

until I’m gone from this hell hole.’ Harry sneered at two of the three letters that sat upon his

desk. The first two came about one week after he arrived home from Hogwarts.

He remembered laying on the bed thinking about the last week. After getting back to the

Dursley’s Sirius decided to pay a little visit and show the Dursley’s just how far picking on

Harry was going to get them this summer. Sirius transformed into his Animagus form and ran off

down the street, leaving behind three white faces and two paired of brown pants. Harry couldn’t

help but chuckle as he remembered that. From that point on the Dursley’s decided that as long as

Harry didn’t bother them, then they would reciprocate the favor. From that point on Harry lived

a pretty good life, for him anyway. His chore load was lightened, but he still decided to do

more just to throw the Dursley’s for a loop. Harry shot up in his bed however when Pig came

crashing into his room. Harry laughed as the energetic little owl went flittering around the

room aggravating Hedwig. Using his reflexes, which had been honed from years of Quidditch and

surprise attacks, Harry snatched the gray little golf ball sized owl out of the air. Pulling the

two rolled up pieces of parchment from the owl’s leg, Harry released the fidgety little

creature. Harry’s eyebrow rose as he saw the little ball of fluff quickly fly out the window

after being released. Rolling his eyes Harry unrolled the first parchment and started reading.

Dear Harry,

We of the Weasley family would be much appreciative if you would stay away from our sons

and daughter while at Hogwarts as you seem to attract trouble. This is not personal Harry we

just don’t want to get our children dragged into it should your luck run out, or should Sirius

get caught. We hope you hold no ill will against us as we do not wish any on you, but we have to

look out for our family first Harry.

My apologies,

Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley

Harry lowered the first letter to show the tears glistening in his eyes. Slowly picking

up the second letter Harry was hoping for some good news.

Dear Harry,

After hearing about what happened my parents threatened to pull me out of Hogwarts. Can

you believe that ME getting pulled out of school? I was able to convince them otherwise. However

Harry they had one requirement. I’m sorry to say this but I can’t be seen with you anymore

Harry. I’m really sorry but if I don’t do this I couldn’t get a magical education and then I’d

be kicked out of the Wizarding world.

I’m sorry Harry,


Two golden eyes watched as the green eyes of her human began to fill with tears of

sorrow. The possessor of the golden eyes quickly flew over and landed on her humans shoulder.

Harry smiled as he felt the snow owl nuzzle her head into his cheek. Reaching up Harry petted

the snow owl on the head and gave a sad smile.

“Maybe you should leave too Hedwig. I mean they’re right you know I’m a bloody accident

waiting to happen. You’d probably be safer with someone like McGonagall. OWW Hey! What was that

for?” Harry said only to receive another sharp bite and an evil glare from the snow owl. Seeing

the look Harry couldn’t help but huff and turn his head.

“Don’t give me that I’m just trying to look out for yooow! Quit that!” Harry yelled when

Hedwigs golden beak closed down on his ear again. Turning to look at the owl again he saw a look

in the snow owls eyes that clearly said. ‘Bullocks now pull your bloody ass out of your pity

party and do something.’

Harry couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw that look.

“I swear I don’t know what I’d do without you Hedwig.” Harry said making the snow white

bird puff up in pride. Harry sighed and curled his fingers in front of his face.

“Hmm…what I need to do is get out of this hell hole…but how?” Harry asked himself trying

to think of a way out of his current situation. Harry sat in silence pondering a way out of the

Dursley’s before he got fed up.

“Damn it! I can’t think of anything! If only Sirius was here…or Mum and Dad, then I

wouldn’t…” Harry finished only to go wide-eyed and a wide smile split his face. Harry quickly

told Hedwig to get off for a minute and then ran towards his desk. Reaching into a drawer Harry

withdrew a piece of parchment, an inkbottle, and a quill. While the thought was still fresh in

his mind Harry started writing.

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Harold James Potter known to the magical world as the boy-who-lived. That

being said I’m afraid I know little of my family and my fortune. I cannot trust many wizards

seeing as they would most likely take advantage of me. However the only time I’ve ever entered

Gringotts was when I was a first year. The Goblins at the front desk treated me the same as any

other customer and for that I am endlessly happy. After I handed him my key he sent me down to

my vault with a small younger Goblin by the name of Griphook. After I entered my vault and saw

all of the gold sitting inside of it. I am ashamed to say that I kept a close eye on the small

goblin as I collected my money. I was happy to see that he did not even enter my vault let

alone try to steal anything. Please don’t be offended because of my paranoia, however I grew up

with very little and anything that is mine I keep a close eye on. After my little trip to the

vault I used my pick pocketing skills slip a galleon into the small goblins front pants pocket

as a thank you. After my trip through Gringotts I can honestly say that the only beings I trust

to give me the facts about my family would be the goblins. So please respond with your reply.


Harry Potter

As Harry read over the letter he couldn’t help but remember when he acquired that

particular skill, pick pocketing not reading that story isn’t so interesting. A seven-year-old

Harry Potter couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw Dudley’s pudgy little sausages, that he called

fingers, try and slip into the back pocket of his fathers size to small pants. Harry couldn’t

help but smile as he saw the larger boy get caught and blame it on trying to catch himself.

As Dudley walked by Harry couldn’t hold in the small snicker that escaped his lips. The

larger boy glared at the underfed child.

“What’s so funny Potter?” Dudley asked getting another snicker from the underfed boy.

“Nothing Dudley. Nothing.” Harry said making the larger boy glare harder at the boy.

“Stop laughing Potter. Not like you can do any better. You can never beat me.” Dudley

said drawing a small frown from the smaller boy. Harry didn’t quite know what it was, but when

Dudley said those words his blood seemed to boil. ‘Not this time Dudley.’ He remembered thinking

to himself as the larger boy waddled away.

It took Harry a week of Practice and a lot of being told he was a filthy clumsy child,

but he was finally able to do it. Running up to his larger cousin Harry smiled.

“Hey guess what Dudley? I beat you for once.” Harry said holding up his father’s

billfold. Dudley glared at the smaller boy and snatched the leather wallet out of the boy’s

hands. Quickly reaching into it Dudley pulled out fifty pounds from the mans wallet and then

threw the billfold back to the underfed boy.

“You’re going to get it now Potter!” Dudley said while running down the stairs and

yelling for his Dad. Harry remembered getting the beating of his life for that.

Shaking himself out of the memory Harry focused back on the letter. Turning towards the

Snowy owl that now sat on her perch Harry smiled.

“Hedwig I need you to take this to Gringott’s as fast as you can alright? Please Hedwig

do this for me and I’ll spoil you rotten okay?” Harry pleaded making Hedwig trill in happiness.

Quickly flying over towards the boy Hedwig landed on his shoulder. Giving his cheek a quick

nuzzle Hedwig lifted her leg for Harry to tie his letter. Tying his letter Harry carried Hedwig

to the window and watched as his only real friend flew out of sight.

It took three days, but the response Harry had been hoping for came on the wings of a

large golden eagle. Quickly untying the parchment from the eagle’s talon Harry threw the eagle a

small piece of ham from his plate and opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Potter,

We at Gringotts bank are ecstatic that you think so highly of our staff. I would like to

also tell you that we are not offended that you are a little paranoid seeing as we are as well

and we hold those few wizards that are in high regard. If you would like I could set up an

appointment on the 31st of July for a meeting about your holdings as well as any information you

may wish to ask about your family.

May your heartbeat and your gold grow Mr. Potter,


Harry turned towards his feathered friend and smiled widely.

“We have some packing to do Hedwig looks like we are finally getting out of this hell

hole.” Harry said loudly. It had been almost two months since that time and Harry couldn’t have

been happier as he stared at the small golden ring that Gringott’s sent him to remind him of his

meeting, as well as act as a portkey to get him there. Harry had sent Hedwig ahead of him

earlier that day to wait at Gringott’s for him. He remembered waking up this morning and doing

everything in his power to piss the Dursley’s off. First he burnt their breakfast after quickly

filching his from the skillet. After that he left the house without doing any chores. After

coming back he went up to his room after telling Dudley he was a fat ass. Now however He sat

inside of his room at number 2 Privet drive staring at the clock. ‘5…4…3…2…gone’ with that Harry

seemed to implode in on himself leaving behind a bare room and an injured heart.
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