Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Clanluna

Chapter 30: Popsicle Diplomacy

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Popsicle Diplomacy - Luna and Ayla offer the Clan popsickles

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Humor - Characters: Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2008-07-11 - Updated: 2008-07-11 - 3413 words - Complete


Chapter 30: Popsicle Diplomacy

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Earth’s Children is owned by Jean Auel
The popsicle idea came from Crippled Hunter

Luna’s Clan List

Deceased members:
Iga – mother of Ebra and Uka
Uba – mother of Creb, Brun and Iza
---Creb (37) – former Mog-Ur, 1st Weez-Ur (Roe Deer/Ursus totem),
---Iza (28) – Uba’s mother, adopted mother of Ayla
---Ebra (41) – Brun’s mate, Broud’s mother
---------Broud (21) – former Leader (Wooly Rhinoceros totem)
----------- Oga (20) – Clan, Crug’s 2nd mate, Broud’s widow (hamster totem)
Zoug (43) – second in command to the leader before Brun

Living Members:

Luna’s Teepee

Thonlan (17) – Other, Woodworker, Jondolar’s brother, 14th Ranked male Hunter (Cave Lion totem)
---Luna (23) – Other, Leader, 1st Weech, Creb’s widow, Thonlan’s mate, (Snorkack totem)
-------Zeen – (4) ½ Clan, son of Luna, Goov’s Acolyte, 2nd Weez-Ur (Ursus Totem)
-------Mara – (0) Other, Luna’s Daughter, Weech
Zar (23) ½ Clan, 1st Ranked male hunter, Goov’s Acolyte, Clanluna’s Acolyte, (Ursus Totem)
---Ayla (17) – Other, Clan’s 1st Ranked Medicine Woman, 2nd Weech, 2nd Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts, Zar’s Mate, (Cave Lion totem)
--------Durc (6) – ½ Clan, Ayla’s son, (Gray Wolf totem)
--------Iza (4) – ¼ Clan, Ayla’s daughter, 3rd Weech (Unicorn Totem)
--------Mariza (0) Other, Ayla’s daughter, Weech
Vorn (16) – Clan, 2nd Ranked male hunter
---Uba (11) – Clan, Medicine Woman, Vorn’s mate
------Uma (2) – Clan, Uba’s daughter
------Vuba (0) – ½ Clan, Uba’s daughter
Goov (23) – Clan, mog-ur, 11th Ranked male hunter, (Aurochs totem/Ursus totem)
---Ovra (21) – Clan, Goov’s mate, (Beaver totem)
------Oogra (2) – Clan, Ovra’s daughter

Iga’s Teepee

Groog (28) – 1/8 Clan, 3rd Ranked male hunter (megaceros totem)
---Iga (24) - Other, (formerly: Andromedanaea of the Sungaea) 3rd Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts, red-foot, Clanluna (one-who-serves-the-Mother) Groog’s Mate
------Griga (2) – 1/16 Clan, Iga’s daughter
------Wilmar (0) – Other, Iga’s Son
Broog (22) – ½ Clan, 4th Ranked male hunter
---Ena (21) – ½ Clan, 4th Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts
------Boov (7) – ½ Clan son of Ena
------Brena (0) – ½ Clan daughter of Ena
Vorv (20) – ½ Clan, 5th Ranked male hunter
---Uva (18) – ½ Clan, mate of Vorv
------Broov (7) – ½ Clan son of Uva (looks full Clan)
------Ugra (6) – ½ Clan daughter of Uva (looks full Others) training to become Woman-Who-Hunts
------Vorva (2) – ½ Clan daughter of Uva
------Zoug (0) – ¼ Clan son of Uva

Ika’s Teepee

Crug (25) – Clan, 6th Ranked male hunter (wolf totem)
---Ika (23) – Clan, Crug’s mate
------Crik (2) – Clan, Ika’s son
------Grev (7) – Clan, Oga’s 2nd son, 15th Ranked male Hunter
------Dorv (2) Clan, Oga’s 3rd son
------Corg (0) ½ Clan, Oga’s 4th Son
Borg (12) – Clan, 7th Ranked male hunter, (Boar totem)
---Ona (12) – Clan, Borg’s mate (Owl totem)
------Bona (2) Clan, Ona’s daughter
------Orga (0) ½ Clan, Ona’s daughter
Brac (11) – Clan, Oga’s 1st son, 8th Ranked hunter (Bison totem)
---Igra (9) – Clan, Ika’s daughter, Brac’s Mate
------Broud (0) ½ Clan, Igra’s Daughter.
Groob (9) – Clan, Aga’s son, 9th Ranked male Hunter
---Eva (10) – ½ Clan daughter of Ena, 5th Ranked Woman-Who-Hunts

Aba’s Teepee

Brun (36) – Clan, former leader, 10th Ranked male hunter (Bison totem)
---Aba (38) (ground squirrel totem) Brun’s mate
Grod (32) – Clan, son of the mate of Zoug, 12th Ranked male hunter (Brown Bear totem)
---Uka (28) – Clan, Ebra’s sister, Grod’s Mate
Droog (34) – Clan, toolmaker, Aga’s mate, 13th Ranked male hunter
---Aga (27) – Clan, Droog’s mate

‘’Women don’t hunt!’’ gestured the young man, as he pushed Iga, so hard, she fell down. ‘’Any women who even touches a weapon must be punished! As this man is going to punish you!’’

The sudden fall made baby Wilmar start to cry.

A sudden movement made both the women turn in time to see Iga pushed down! Luna stood and strode over to the man who had pushed Iga. Just like Iga, she and Ayla wore their wraps so they held their babies to their breast with a knife and sling on their belts.

‘’Would you like a popsicle?’’ asked Luna, dreamily, as she held it out to him.

Chapter 30: the Clan Gathering

‘’A . . .A what?’’ asked the bewildered young man of the Clan, as he looked at the strange purple object this woman of the Others had thrust in his face.

‘’A popsicle,’’ said Luna as she handed it him.

‘’What is it for?’’ asked the man.

‘’You lick it, silly!’’ signed Luna, as she licked the popsicle in his hand a couple of licks, deep throated it and withdrew, then ran her tongue around the tip. ‘’See? Now you try!’’

Tentatively, the man gave the strange purple object a lick. It was cold and sweet. He licked again and found he liked it. He stood there and enjoyed his popsicle while Luna helped Iga to her feet. Ayla had taken her wand from behind her ear and was trying to make more popsicles. Both the freezing charm and the transfiguration of the shape of the popsicle were pretty simple, though she did have to say the incantation out loud.

Luna levitated a couple more popsicles over for herself and Iga. The three of them stood there enjoying their popsicles for a few minutes before Luna addressed him again.

‘’Now then, why did you push a member of my Clan?’’ asked Luna, between licks.

‘’She touched a hunting weapon and-‘’ suddenly the man noticed that this hideous woman of the Others, with hair the color of dried grass and gray eyes, had a sling on her belt too. ‘’You! You have a sling too!’’

He dropped his popsicle and shoved Luna too. Luna pulled her wand back out and flicked it at him. The man yelped as he was suddenly lifted into the air by his leg and held upside down. Luna watched him fail and yell while she continued to lick her popsicle.

‘’This Leader imagines that you feel a little silly looking at us upside down,’’ signed Luna, as she flicked her wand at he own foot and was also hoisted into the air to hang upside down.

Beneath Luna’s wrap, Mara let out an amused gurgle.

‘’If you want, we can hang here all day,’’ signed Luna. ‘’But wouldn’t you rather have another popsicle and discuss this like a dignified man of the Clan?’’

He goggled at her. Hanging upside down like this, caused their wraps to fly up. While Clan men were not particularly modest, He felt anything but dignified hanging her with his organ and backside exposed.

‘’Women are not allowed to hunt!’’ he persisted.

‘’Suit yourself,’’ signed Luna. ‘’This Leader supposes that you must like hanging like this. It does make your back feel good.

Zar, could you help me please?’’

‘’What do you need this man to do?’’ asked the seven foot tall, ½ Clan man, after stepping closer.

‘’This woman need you to pick up her shoulders and catch me so this woman does fall on her head when this woman releases herself,’’ signed Luna.

Zar lifted her shoulders with one arm, as he was told, and caught her legs in the other when she released herself. As he stood there holding her in his arms, Luna gave him a long, lingering kiss.

‘’Thanks, Sweetie!’’ said Luna, in English, as he put her down after the kiss.

Luna then, turned to the young man of the Clan, hanging upside down, nearby.

‘’This Leader will let you think about this for awhile,’’ signed Luna. ‘’Enjoy your day.’’

‘’Wait you can’t just leave me like this!’’ protested the man. ‘’Put me down! Help! Mog-ug! Mog-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur!’’

Luna walked back over to Ayla, who had, by now, filled a large basket with popsicles. Luna silently cast the stasis charm on them so they wouldn’t melt. This charm was beyond Ayla’s current ability to cast.

‘’Come on, let’s hand these out,’’ signed Luna, as she silently cast a levitation charm on the basket, followed by a heel charm so the basket would follow her.

As the two Weeches of the Others moved through the crowd, it parted before them, People were afraid of them and their popsicles. Only the children were brave enough to try them. The joyful looks in the eyes of the children with popsicles soon persuaded the adults to give them a try.


Eva had taken Zeen and Iza over to see the Cave Bear. There was a group of Clan boys who were getting close to manhood, and they were daring each other to get close to the cage.

‘’You’re just scared,’’ jeered a boy.

‘’This boy is simply being cautious,’’ replied the boy. ‘’After all, a Hunter doesn’t recklessly take chances with a full grown honey lover.’’

‘’This boy heard that before the Clan Gathering, he lived amongst the host Clan as a member of the Clan,’’ offered a boy.

‘’This Boy finds that hard to believe,’’ signed another boy. ‘’It’s too dangerous to- Hey! What’s that deformed kid doing?’’

‘’Zeen get back here!’’ Scolded Eva, as the ½ Clan boy crawled through the bars of the cage that held the Cave bear. ‘’This is not our Winter Sleeper, he doesn’t know you!’’

‘’Aww it’s okay,’’ signed Zeen, as he rubbed the Cave bear’s tummy. ‘’This furball wouldn’t hurt me.’’

The Cave Bear rolled onto its’ tummy allowing Zeen to climb onto its’ back. The other people nearby stared in shock. When the saw the deformed boy climb into the cage, they had been sure he would be killed.

‘’Yes! You’re just a sweet little Cave dweller,’’ signed Zeen as he patted the Cave Bear’s back. ‘’This boy just wishes he could ride you around.’’

Suddenly, in a burst of accidental magic, every knot in the ropes holding the cage together untied itself! People screamed as the cage collapsed, setting the Cave Bear free! Eva just stared to Zeen in shock!

‘’Hey Iza, do you want to ride?’’ asked Zeen.

‘’Sure,’’ nodded Iza, as she fearlessly walked up to the Cave bear and climbed on behind Zeen.

More screaming erupted as the Cave bear, with two children on its’ back, advanced towards the crowd.


Iga was sitting bellow the man who assaulted her as he screamed for his mog-ur to help him, licking her popsicle. Taking her cue from her Goddess, She was eating it in as provocative a manner as she could. What Luna had done accidently, Iga was doing on purpose. She’d also untied the top of her wrap. Partly so Wilmar would be more comfortable while nursing, but also, so that she could show off her breasts. Iga was one of those lucky women who were excited by nursing, orgasmically so. She wiggled a bit as she tried not to make the moaning face and turned her energy to licking her popsicle. Thonlan and Groog were pretending not to watch her, even though they were both staring at the spectacle she was putting on.

Although they’d lost sight of them, they could tell which direction Luna and Ayla had gone by the hubbub of the crowd that were trying their first popsicles.

Suddenly, they heard another commotion coming from the other side of the crowd.


The mog-urs were mulling over the strange revelations that the mog-ur from the 1st Ranked Clan had given them when they noticed chaos breaking out at the gathering. As one they walked outside the host Clan’s cave to see what was going on. In one direction, they could see a man hanging in the air, upside-down, screaming for his mog-ur to rescue him. In another direction they could see an excited crowd gathered around two women of the Others, with yellow hair, that were tall enough to be seen over the crowd. In a third direction, many people were crying out in fear and they could see that the cage that contained the Cave Bear was no longer sticking up above the heads of the crowd.

‘’You, go see what’s going on over there,’’ signed the mog-ur from the 2nd Ranked Clan to the mog-ur from the 4th Ranked Clan. ‘’This mog-ur will see what Oop is yelling about.’’

‘’The rest of us will go check on the cage,’’ signed Goov.

He didn’t like the way the mog-ur from the 2nd Ranked Clan had taken command of the situation. So he led the rest of the mog-urs to wade through the crowd to the vicinity of where the cage had been. As they got closer it became easier to make their way through the crowd. Goov soon learned the reason for this when the crowd parted and he saw Zeen and Iza, riding on the back of the Cave Bear straight towards them!

‘’Zeen! What do you think you’re doing?’’ asked Goov, as the other mog-urs began making protective guestures and asking Ursus to protect them.

‘’We’re riding the Honey Lover!’’ replied Zeen.

‘’Zeen, you can’t just go riding another Clan’s Cave Dweller without permission,’’ chastised Goov. ‘’This isn’t your Wintersleeper! How did you get him out of the cage?’’

‘’This boy doesn’t know,’’ replied Zeen, sheepishly. ‘’It just fell apart.’’

‘’Well, then, you’re going to have to keep your four-legged friend busy until we can build another one,’’ admonished Goov, as he turned to the other mog-urs. ‘’It’s okay, it’s his totem and he’s my acolyte. He’ll be able to keep it busy while we rebuild the cage stronger than before.’’

‘’So who wants a ride next?’’ asked Zeen, as Iza slid off the Cave Bear’s back.

Everyone took a step back.

‘’What’s the matter? Are you scared to do something a girl can do?’’ asked Iza, as she started making hyena noises to indicate that they were cowardly.

‘’This boy isn’t afraid to do it if a girl can do it!’’ signed the boy who had been afraid to come near the cage, earlier.

His angry stomps became more timid, the closer he got to the bear. When he got alongside the enormous cave bear, he looked up at Zeen on the back of the bear.

‘’H- How do I get up there?’’ asked the boy.

Zeen patted the Cave Bear’s shoulder and it lay down on it tummy, lowering its’ back to a level that the boy could climb.

‘’Climb up behind me,’’ signed Zeen.

Iza saw an older girl step up beside her and sign.

Iza turned to the girl and saw that she was a mixed girl with the physical maturity of a 9-year-old. She had Clan brown hair and green eyes. The girl’s face was covered in bruises, some old, others recent.

‘’Could you repeat that?’’ asked Iza, once she’d recovered from her surprise.

‘’This girl asked how you could be so brave as to ride him?’’ replied the mixed girl.

‘’We have a Wintersleeper at our cave,’’ replied Iza. ‘’Zeen lets me ride with him sometimes. And my mother sometimes lets me ride on Ekwus, the 1st Centaur, with her. This Spring, this girl rode on a Unicorn, all by herself!’’

‘’What is an Ekus and a Uni?’’ asked the mixed girl.

‘’Ekwus is his name, silly!’’ replied Iza. ‘’Our leader made him out of a horse. He’s like half-man and half-horse. She then made unicorns to be his mates. They’re white horses with horns growing out of their heads.’’

‘’And you rode on the back on this horny horse?’’ asked the mixed girl. ‘’This girl couldn’t help noticing that you are even uglier than her. Are you one of the Others?’’

‘’My mother is,’’ replied Iza. ‘’But the man of my hearth, is mixed, like you. Clanluna says that people like you, are a mixture of Clan and Others, not deformed. My name is: Iza, of the 2nd Hearth of the 1st Ranked Clan., daughter of the 1st Ranked Medicine Woman of all the Clans, who is mated to the 1st Ranked male hunter of our Clan. Who are you?’’

‘’My name is: Ura,’’ replied Ura. ‘’My Clan is the 2nd Ranked and Host Clan. This girl is the Daughter of Oda, who is now mated to the Leader, Gurg.’’

Suddenly Ura’s eyes went wide as she spotted the sling on Iza’s belt

‘’You have a Sling!’’ accused Ura.

‘’Yes, this girl just started to learn how to use it last year,’’ explained Iza. ‘’Someday this girl will be a Woman-Who-Hunts, like her mother.’’

‘’Women Hunt in your Clan!’’ waved Ura, excitedly. ‘’This girl wishes she could hunt! But girls aren’t allowed to our Clan. And this girl doubts she will be allowed to hunt after she gets mated and joins a new Clan.’’

‘’Maybe you could join our Clan,’’ suggested Iza. ‘’This girl has a brother about your age.’’

‘’This girl wishes she could too,’’ signed Ura. ‘’But no Clan would accept an ugly stupid girl like her. Besides, when this girl was a baby, she was promised to another deformed boy. This girl just hoped that his Clan will still be willing to take her.’’


The mog-ur from the 4th ranked Clan made his way through the crowd. When he finally made his way to the center, he saw a basket floating in the air and two women of the others with hideous yellow hair holding purple objects. He also saw that both of the women had slings on their belts. These must be the Women-Who-Hunt that the mog-ur from the 1st ranked Clan had told them about.

‘’What’s going on here?’’ asked the mog-ur.

‘’Would you like a popsicle?’’ asked Luna, as she pulled the last one out of the basket and handed it to him.

‘’What is it for?’’ asked the mog-ur, as he suspiciously looked at the strange purple object she had handed him.

‘’You lick it,’’ replied Luna, as she stuck her purple tongue out and gave her popsicle a long lick.

Tentatively, he gave it a try. It was sweet and as soon as his tongue touched it, the stasis was dispelled and the cold started rolling off the popsicle so that it not only felt cold on his tongue, but his hand could feel that there was a piece of ice on the end of the stick.

‘’It’s good,’’ the mog-ur nodded his approval. ‘’That’s all that’s going on here, is you giving away these?’’

‘’Yes, unfortunately, that was the last one,’’ replied Luna.

‘’If all of you women will bring us any berries you find, we can make some more tomorrow,’’ announced Ayla, to the crowd. ‘’Luna, Could we make popsicles out of other things, like teas? It occurs to this woman that this would be a good was to get medicinal teas into children.’’

‘’This woman hadn’t thought of that,’’ replied Luna. ‘’Why, this woman bets we could even make Gurdy root tea popsicles!’’

Ayla tried to hide her disgust. Although Luna liked straight Gurdy root tea, Ayla could only stand it with lots of honey and snorkack milk.

‘’This woman wonders what would happen if we made popsicles out of the juice of some of Iga’s mushrooms?’’ mused Ayla.

‘’Yeah! That’s a great idea!’’ replied Luna. ‘’Between your ability with herbs and Iga’s with mushrooms, this woman bets we could come up with a mix that with fruit juice would taste good and keep people calmed down!’’


‘’moooogg-uuuuuuuuurr!!! Mog-uuuuuuuuuuur!’’ yelled Oop as he hung upside down in the air helplessly.

‘’mog-ur is here,’’ signed the Mog-ur from the 2nd Ranked Clan. ‘’How did this happen, Oop?’’

‘’It was that female leader!’’ cried Oop. ‘’When this man caught that woman of the Others with a weapon, she did this to me! Make it Stop, mog-ur! Make it Stop!’’

The mog-ur from the 2nd Ranked Clan grasped his amulet as he prepared to break the spell. His Clan’s mog-urs held the secret of flute playing. His father would have been The Mog-Ur if not for Creb’s amazing abilities with memories. Now that Creb was gone to the Spirit world, he fully intended to be the next Mog-Ur of all the Clans. He believed breaking this spell would be the key to his success.

After making the appropriate gestures, the mog-ur from the 2nd Ranked Clan began asking Urus in the ancient language to release Oop.

The popsicle idea came from Crippled Hunter

Tales of the Old Crippled Hunter > A collection of short stories
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