Review for Black Vengeance

Black Vengeance

(#) Skoell 2007-02-19

great chapter!
i hope vance will find her notes about the longbottoms at the hospital and will follow the normal procedure again and talks to neville...

interesting dreamvision, like it how it would fit before HBP...

please a h/hr pairing because in the fifth book the brak between cho and harry was very clean, they may become friends through the work of her mother but i think that flame is out...harry's reaction when hermione was hit with that flame in the DoM indicates for me a very highly possible pairing and i would hope you go with it...

Author's response

Emmeline is going to find out her predicament from a variety of sources. As for the dream vision, it is intricately tied to the story. Harry has a lot of things to accomplish and he needs every weapon he can get.

As for the pairing, it is going to be Harry/Hermione. Thanks for your opinion regarding the ship.

Thanks for the encouragement and thanks for reading and reviewing.