Review for Meet the Blacks- Again

Meet the Blacks- Again

(#) chanewt906 2011-08-24

Welcome back! Excellent work; poor Harry doesn't know which way to look, and Hermione - with Luna's kind assistance - seems rather torn over her reactions to the Ladies Black and Harry's reactions.
Hoping she can get off her butt and admit what Luna sees so clearly before things get to the point where it's too late for her.
Wondering if the Muggle boyfriends of the Black sisters were killed by the parents; seems something they'd do out of hand, especially after 'Dromeda's successful escape.
Looking forward to more... preferabbly soon.... :^p

Author's response

Thank you for reading. es, Hermione's got some difficult decisions to make! She is an intelligent young woman, so expect her to come to the right decision. As for the boyfriends, I'll explain whether they live in future segments.