Review for The Only One For Me(?)

The Only One For Me(?)

(#) xXLaylaxX 2011-05-23

That ending was perfect! this story was epic, you did such a great job.

Author's response

Thank you! I have to say though, I was worried I dragged the story out a bit but it seems like people like the way I wrote it so...yeah. I'm glad you liked it and I'm working on a story focusing mainly on Mikey and Alex, so that's gonna be fun. I think it's a bit more light hearted than this one, but I think that I might make Alex have serious issues with her family kind of like me. I don't know. I like living through Alex once and a while but sometimes I have her as a completely separate person. Yes, so the Mikey and Alex story might be slightly bipolar (in the sense that it might go from really happy to really sad) but I might just right the other side of alex through another character I came up with. Sorry I'm babbling! I'm glad you like the story!
Lots of love!