Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-11-04

You totally have to write a sequel!
But hopefully you'll finish a few My Chem ones first? wink wink

I still think I should enter and take over the world. Maybe marry Beckett while I'm at it and take him as my slave?
Elo Mayo..

I'm still not joking

Author's response

I promise, I'll get back to them :) Probably... oh dear, it has been a while! I can't even remember what they're called!

So you want to see Beckett as some sort of henpecked vampire husband??

For example:

Beckett returns to wife all blackened, shirtless and burnt:

"Hard day at the Coven, dear? Well, don't get comfortable, there are a bunch of things I need you to do and then we're going out. When was the last time you bought me anything nice? You're not the only one around here that's busy you know!"
"Yes dear."

Anyhoo!! Really glad you enjoyed it! :D Thanks, as always for reviewing!

Sas x