Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-10-21

Erm.. Now I'm REALLY confused..

Did the chapters, like, get mixed up or something? Because in the LAST chapter, Joe and Andrea came home and found Andy weak and Patrick an escape' person...

I'll just read the rest tomorrow.. or something..

Author's response

Just to quickly reply to this one - Somehow the order for chapters 22 and 23 have been switched. I've corrected it, but FicWad hasn't updated it yet.

Thanks for all the reviews!! You've made me a very happy bunny!!

Sas x

ps - I hit review instead of respond AGAIN! It's very early...

Ah! Now it has - sorry about that!

Actually, no, it's still a bit dodgy going from 22 to 23 to 24 - the arrow buttons don't work, use the dropdown