Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) Moonshyne 2009-09-19

Hi there Sas,

Poor Ryan having no clue as to the heirarchy in the vampire world. Spencer was much sneakier then we thought!!

I loved how Pete and Andrea sneaked out while he was otherwise occupied. LOL!

Poor Andy it must be such a hard decision you feel so bad for Patrick it must be a shitty feeling knowing that your best friends don't trust you. No wonder he wants to die.

Hopefully something will change so Andy will see in the end he's the same old Patrick or not.

Looking forward to more.

Author's response

Spencer's been plotting for a long time, but has hidden it well. Poor Ryan though, for a vampire, he's so innocent. Blindly doing whatever Spencer says.
I don't know who to feel most sorry for - Andy or Patrick. If Andy frees him, he risks his own life, but can he stake him? If he chooses to do nothing, there's pretty much nothing that Patrick can do about it except make him feel guilty!

Thanks for reviewing!!
Sas x