Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) Moonshyne 2009-08-31

Hi there Sas,

I'm glad Andrea has been able to break her mind control for now. It seems it's only becuase he's weak from Pete's feeding.

I love the conflict Pete is feeling with this all. Not understanding why he left what would be perfect presents for William alone. Is he going crazy, somehow I don't think so.

I'm so interested to find out what the task is and how he's going to be dealing with it.

Maybe Andrea can get a layout of the place as she walks around with Ryan.

Looking forward to more when you get a chance.

I see you have another story up, I'm gonna take a peek at it!!

Author's response

Moonshyne, you are very astute! Either that or we are very much of the same mind. Probably both!!

The task will be revealed shortly. I finished plotting it out to the end now and I'm finally happy with how it's going to go. I just hope I write it well enough.

Thanks again for reviewing and, I umm, have another one up now too. I said I wouldn't do this, but I can't help myself!

Sas x