Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-08-23

Ho. Lee. Shit.
Sas, you're insane. Really. And I don't know how...
Maybe because you've made this incredible "hjsdrehujdhfre" masterpiece! No words to describe it besides those random letters.
I'm... whoa. I'm sort of like high on Dr. Pepper, exhausted from just getting out of the pool, all retarded-like because I just logged off the Cobra Crew (where I've been for the past week ^~^) and... all "wow"ed because of this and BLAH.
Pete's out, craving blood, Beckett will somehow get involved using Andrea, try to get Pete under his control, and... blah. Ack. I can't even say anything.

'cept that I'm glad Patrick's okay... ish. o_O

Author's response

Wow!! Really? I was starting to think that hardly anyone really liked where it had gone.
There are some unanswered questions in this chapter that are quite crucial but they will be answered soonish. I'm working on the next chapter already - more surprises in store.

Thank you for such a wonderful review! I'm staggered and just so happy you're still enjoying it.

Btw - watched the Dance Dance video again the other day and in the performance scenes, omg Patrick totally owns that stage! I don't think I've ever seen him look sexier than in that video.

Sas x