Review for Achieving Clarity

Achieving Clarity

(#) whatareyouevensaying 2009-04-07

A bit too soon for the "I love you"s in my book, but the chapter was still excellent. My favorite part was the end, though, since it really is suspicious to see Malfoy walking around with a pair of firsties. Dunno if any other authors have thought of that, but great work either way!

Looking forward to more.

Author's response

I dunno, I experienced love at first sight myself, I knew I was going to marry that girl.
I was wrong, of course, but that didn't make it any less real. . .
Besides, Harry's known Hermione for most of six years by this time, perhaps he's just now realizing he's always loved her.
Think of Luna as the one helping them achieve clarity here.
Oooooo, that'd make a great title, dont cha' think?