Review for Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

(#) LabRat 2008-03-10

-Ohh, Neville sh!ttin on Dumbledore.

-Is it me, or are wizarding folk entirely too gullible? That's twice he's been made a fool of.

-By the time they finish telling these stories, Harry will be significantly poorer.

-Ha, Harry got owned by his house elf.

-Well that was an interesting breakdown of the possible candidates.

-Aww, I wanted to see Naville, Hannah, and Daphne's reactions to the theme park.

-amusing omake

-I've got an idea for a story they can tell Dumbledore. Tell him that Harry's really a boy from an alternate universe where Harry Potter is a fictional character. Knowing what was coming, he decided to make some preemptive stirkes, to prevent the disaster that was coming (you can even use references from the books).