Review for Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

(#) Cateagle 2008-03-03

-Laughs- I loved it!! The whole muggle date bit was a great introduction to real muggle life as opposed to what the various incompetents teaching Muggle Studies described it as. I rather suspect that shopping trip did wonders to raise Harry's standing with Daphne, as did the fact that he's a perfect gentleman, even when it's a struggle to do so. That he co-owns a club with Neville has to come as a surprise to a lot of folk.

I agree that Hermione has just had a severe reality check as to just what being with Ron is really costing her and I wonder how long she'll stay with him before deciding that, great as the sex is, he's not worth the cost to her. Tracey's getting a bit different education in that she's finding that not all guys are "after just one thing" and that Daphne's capable of taking care of herself.

I loved Neville's take on things and it's amusing to see him being the voice of reason to Hermione instead of the other way around. He's a good solid guy and Harry's lucky to have him covering his back.

Finally, any one care to bet on just how Albus will take their being gone all weekend? Not that, officially, he can do anything about it. I rather suspect that any unofficial actions are going to be forcefully met by similar actions on Harry's part that Albus won't like at all.

Author's response

- It's been suggest by others that Harry will be leading the Slytherin women on Shoe Shopping field trips before long...

- Hermione/Ron will be coming to a head soon. Tracey will be getting an education Sunday night.

- Neville is a good guy.

- Dumbles isn't going to be happy for sure. He hates it when Harry isn't under his thumb.