Review for The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

(#) Geovanni_Luciano 2007-11-22

OK, well, I have to say that the story is getting a bit dragged out. With that and the introduction to new character types, it had begun to stop holding interest because there wasn't direct consequence to the Canon Harry's story. I hope that is conveyed correctly because I did like it once upon a time, but there's not enough happening in the chapters to hold a cliffie for me at this point so I've taken to waiting awhile and hoping that it will change to the point that the already written chapters will have me going off without haste to read the next one. The last chapter at this point and this one hasn't held my interest to say that it's true.

Now, where you're lacking? Dumbledore and Voldemort... no action or consequence to the storyline even though they're major players in the story. No real friendships defined either. The trio is a staple but not in this story.

Author's response

I think I should write the following response down somewhere as I have given it to no less than a dozen people who all commented on different aspects of the story.

as the author I have to try to create a balance between romance, action, suspense, depth, detail and all the other different things that the readers want. I also have to balance that balance against my idea for the plot and about how to make the story as entertaining as possible.

Some people like long stories, some like short, some like romance others like action and still more like detail.

It is nigh on impossible to create the balance of all the things people love, not having too much of one thing so as to put off the people who don't like that thing and making sure that all the major players have their scene time. The trio for example does not need me to force out chapters to emphasis the relationship, we know its there and if something is going to happen to it, it will be in a chapter. Likewise with Harry and Fleur, someone recently said that I was not developing the relationship enough in recent chapters, thats becuase I did not need to, we had lots of chapters at the Delacour's where that relationship was established, I did not need to remind the readers just for the sake of it.

As regards Voldemort and Dumbledore being major players in the story, as with the books although they are important characters but the story does not revolve around them eg: book 3 hardly mentioned Voldemort, he was also barely known to be in books 1 or 2 until near the ends and even in 4, 5 and 6 it was more people speaking of him rather than him being present.

Everyone has their own tastes and I try to cater to as many as possible, the Harry/Fleur/Tonks scene for example got several people saying 'I didn't really see the point', while more said 'that was brilliant, wonderful scene' etc.

I always do the best I can to please my readers but in the end its my story and I have planned the story layout in detail and trying to incorporate the above can push the story in directions I do not want it to go in.