Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Bluer Than Indigo

Anger and Agony Are Better Than Misery

by vash_the_unholy

When pressure mounts, something is sure to give. It has. [AU Sixth Year, Dark, Heavy Sexual References, not a Children Story! Beta now present]

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama, Horror - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-06-13 - Updated: 2006-06-13 - 5893 words

Title:/ Bluer than Indigo/
Chapter: /Anger and Agony Are Better than Misery./

The dungeons got cool at night, colder than any part of the castle. You could, if you paid attention, hear water dripping in from the lake above certain portions of the twisting maze. It was, rather welcoming, I thought. He thought, however, it was horrid. He preferred the breeze tower that rocked in the wind. I hate that place. It is far too bright and cheerful for my tastes. Don't be mistaken though, I don't prefer dark, dank places like this. I simply prefer a more controlled, neutral area. I prefer areas like the Library, which is generally quiet and calm. It's nice.

I am taking over for him tonight. It is my first lesson with Horace. The second lesson we've had with him. The first was boring, learning the principles and mechanics of meditation. It was simple enough that even he picked it up quickly. I sincerely hope this lesson is more productive. Horace promised spells and duelling theory this session, but I wouldn't trust him far as I could throw him. There is a reason he is a Slytherin.

"Good evening, Professor." I greet as I enter his enlarged office.

"Harry, my young friend," The jovial man chirps, "Come in. How are you this fine evening?"

I give a half shrug. "Well enough."

"Shall we get right to it then?" Horace asks. Really, the man is too cheerful for his own good, I think.

"By all means."

"It'll be a simple lesson tonight. I'll teach you as many spells as it takes to exhaust you, then give you instructions on how to prepare your Occlumency for the night." I raise an eyebrow in question. 'Exhausting yourself magically makes for easier building of weaker, rudimentary shields." I suppose that makes a weird sort of sense.

"So where do we begin then?"

"Charms? Transfiguration?" he asks. "The choice is yours."

I ponder a moment. "... Charms. Transfiguration isn't my strong suit."

He begins by teaching me quite a few auror level spells. Though they are stronger than what you'd likely find in Hogwarts, they are as useless. So far I have been taught a sepll that nullifies the tendons and muscles in ones legs, nonpermanently paralyzing them; one that shuts down the eardrums, deafening the target and causing them to lose balance; the PROPER way to cause someone to vomit slugs; a spell that forms a thick black cloud in front of the eyes of your target, blinding them; and simple bone shattering spells. The last one would be useful, were it not so slow in travel and easily blocked. Even a first year could block it with a simple shielding charm.

"Err... Professor," I call hesitantly. "I know you are trying to help me and all, and I appreciate it really, but..."

"But..." Horace questions.

"... But I was wondering if you could teach me something stronger. Something more powerful. All of these spells are great for competition duelling, but they won't help me fight Death Eaters."

"Now why would you want to do a silly thing like that?" He questioned me perplexed.

I stare at him a moment. Would it be wise to tell him? Perhaps. I will merely have to find out. "Did Dumbledore ever tell you why my mother was killed?"

"No," He responded, confused. "I had assumed it was because she was a member of the Order..." He stops abruptly.

I nod, "Partly. But it was really because of what the Prophet printed."

"You mean the prophecy? Then its true then?" He looks shocked. I was as well. The Daily Prophet printed the truth, even if by accident.

I nod. "Unfortunately it is. That's why I asked you for training. I know all the spells in the world won't help me, but I thought the duelling lessons might. Experience is what I need, after all."

"Very true," Horace agrees distractedly. After many moments of thought, he turns to me. "I can teach you what you need, but ... it is dark magic."

I feign a concerned look, before forcing determination into my eyes. "If I must, then I will learn dark magic. I'll do whatever it takes to avenge my mother."

Slughorn looked at me gravely before nodding. "Indeed, but you must always remember to be cautious. The pull of dark magic can be strong, especially when one is younger."

"I promise," I offer softly. "I won't turn out like Voldemort, I swear it."

"I know you won't, my boy. I know you won't." Horace paced slightly before turning to me. "I'll teach you five spells tonight. Attempt to, at least." I nod. "The first is the most complex of them all. The wand motion is as such," he moved his wand slowly, helping me to perfect it before giving me the incantation.

"Cruor Praemium!" Nothing happened at first. I tried again, repeating the incantation slower, more carefully paying attention to pronunciation. Nearly twenty minutes passed before I was able to cast the spell. The spell resulted in a thin clear wave that distorted the air as it passed through it, much like looking through a bottle of water. At first, I thought it crashed harmlessly into a brick in the wall, but moments later the same bring began to crumble and fall from the wall.

"It wouldn't be nearly as destructive on a living creature," Horace told me as I stared at the pile of rubble. "It conjures distilled water in the veins of a body, which causes a violent reaction. The red blood cells explode within the body. Gashes appear in the flesh as the blood forces its way out."

"Sounds painful," I responded truthfully.

"It is. There is no counter, and it is unquestionably fatal." Horace informed me. "The downside to the curse aside from being slow moving; is that most shielding charms will block it."

"So you have to be close or catch them unaware for it to be useful."

"Correct. Shall we press on then?" I nodded and Horace began to teach me the next spell.

"Adaugeo Sensilis Somes." Nothing again, though I didn't expect it to work on the first run. The spell was complex, but simple all at once. It took me nearly forty minutes to learn to use. When I finally did cast it, I felt a huge wave of power flood out of my body and nearly collapsed. I gasped as the sickly blue light flashed from my want, moving at an incredible speed and crashing into the wall.

"Though much faster than many other curses, this one takes a great deal of power." I stared at him in frustration as I panted. A warning would have been nice next time. "It hypersensitizes the nerves in the body. Everything, even a soft breeze, becomes painful."

"I don't think I can cast anything else," I confess truthfully. I feel exhausted entirely.

He nods at me. "Understandable, but we shall attempt one last spell then you are free." Without waiting for my reply, he begins a lecture about wand movements and pronunciation.

Resigned to my fate, I lift my wand and cast. For nearly twenty minutes, nothing happened. Then, when I became so exhausted my hand trembled visibly, it happened. "Cavo Pulmo." I felt the spell leave the wand and the scattering dust announced its impact, but I saw nothing.

"The Lung Piercing Curse has the benefit of being invisible, while the downside of having to be used verbally."

"So it's invisible but you won't have complete stealth with it."

"Correct. Also, it will only travel sixty feet before dissipating, and the farther it travels the weaker it gets." I nod.

"What about Occlumency?" I ask slowly, my voice slurring from exhaustion.

"Hmm," He hummed thoughtfully. "You enjoy flying, yes?" I nod. "Before you go to bed tonight, meditate for ten minutes. While doing so, imagine your thoughts as flower petals that are carried gently away by a soft breeze. Don't force the thoughts away or try not to think, simply let them drift in and out of your mind. When your mind is calm and free of emotion and thought erect a shield of some sort. In your case, I would suggest a barrier made of a strong wind swirling round your mind protectively."

"Something like... say... a tornado?"

He smiled at me patiently. "Indeed, much like a tornado. It will do until it now longer grows stronger with your practice. In the time between then and now, I suggest reading this book." He fished out a simple black book that had no outer markings. "It will at least teach you the basic concepts. I will be able to teach you the practical application more smoothly afterwards."

I nod my head in thanks, "Thank you, Professor. I've to go now, however. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any moment."

"Of course, of course, off you go, Harry. Pleasant dreams, my boy."

"Same to you, Professor," I reply as I leave.

Though sleep sounds delicious, as I stalk down the hallways I slam a energy restorative potion. A shivering tingle runs down my spine and through every nerve in my body as the potion does its job. My movements are no longer sluggish and my mind frees itself from the muddled cloudy thoughts. While the artificial energy will only work for three or four hours, it is enough. I will suffer for it tomorrow, however. Such is the downside to energy potions. It does not grant the extra umph, merely forces the body to produce it in a short spurt.

Christmas breaking quickly approaches as well. I ponder that as I wander back to Gryffindor tower. Through inquiries I've managed to track a book down that would be invaluable to me. Bartering got me the book at forty galleons, though I must pick it up myself. A dreadfully complicated goal, but I am confidant that I can accomplish it. I have a floo address but Hogwarts is monitored. As is the Leaky Cauldron, truthfully, but I can floo without them knowing it was I who did. Too much traffic goes through for them to police every single floo user.

As I ready to round a corner, I am grabbed by the arm and forcefully spun round. "What the hell?" I nearly snap; my wand in my hand instantly.

Susan Bones, the one who grabbed me, is unaffected by my show of aggression. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"Pardon?" I ask, genuine confusion written on my face. Hannah is with Susan, as usual. It seems the two are attached at the hip at every possible moment. I wonder if they bathe together in the same stall as well. I stop myself from drifting into such kinky thoughts and pay attention to the fuming young Hufflepuff.

"I've been calling your name for almost an hour now..."

"... More like two minutes," Hannah corrects. Susan shoots her friend a glare before turning back to me.

"Can I do something for you, Susan?" I ask before she can speak.

"Why didn't you help ...oh what's her name..." She stops speaking, thinking rapidly for the name of my senior team mate.


"Yes!" Susan exclaims. "Why didn't you help Katie?" Anger shines in her round innocent brown eyes.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Hannah interrupts, her voice full of nervousness. "She has been fuming on this all week. I've tried to get her to let it go but..." She trails off.
"It's alright." I tell them with a kind, gentle smile. "I apologize to you Susan for not helping her. I had a few too many alcoholic beverages and was very sluggish. It was also quite a shock."

"Still," She huffed. "You should have done something."

"I know, and I am very sorry I didn't. Katie and I have already talked about it and she has forgiven me for being a lump on a log about it."

Susan looks at me before reluctantly nodding, "I suppose if Katie forgave you that I should as well."

Staring at the two as we speak, I've noticed several things about these two. They are quite naïve. It's obvious fro the shine in their innocent eyes, that they are. They are also very pretty. Not in that future model way, but in a more homely way. Susan is a short girl, topping at five foot three. Her reddish brown hair was kept in a plait. She wasn't incredibly well endowed, but she was large in proportion to her body. Her skin was a soft creamy pale. She had the look of an elegant pureblood many would expect from her.

Hannah on the other hand, was the opposite. Her beauty was more in its untraditional looks. Being a muggle born, she didn't have the elegance and grace Susan had. Her movements were clumsy and awkward. She seemed high strung as well. She was a tall blonde girl, topping at five foot nine. Her blond hair was pulled up into pigtails, allowing her pink face to shine through. Her eyes were, much like her friends, a sparkling brown that glinted with happiness and innocence. Her long, slim legs were tanned and smooth. Closer inspection would reveal three or four tiny faint scars here and there on her knees, indicating a clumsy child who loved to play. It didn't surprise me, given Hannah's high strung nature. Hannah had the misfortune of being in possession of the smallest chest in Hogwarts. She wasn't flat chested, but they were incredibly small.

I smile at them kindly again. "No need to go and forgive me all that quickly. I do still feel horrible about what happened. Since Katie won't let me do anything for her, perhaps you would allow me to earn my forgiveness?"

"Like what?" Hannah asks nervously.

I smile secretively at them. "I'll make it a surprise." I jerk my head in the direction I was heading. "Come on and follow me."

"But..." Susan offers, with nothing else.

I feign a hurt look at them. "What's wrong? You don't trust me?"

Susan seems genuinely sorry as see replies. "I do, but with everything going on..."

I nod understandingly. "You can't be too careful."

It takes us five minutes to walk from that location to the Whomping Willow. The two girls were naturally confused, and it took nearly three minutes to explain to them what was going on. The dark and dank passage between Hogwarts and the shack frightens the two as we move along. The shack isn't any better itself. I lead them to the room I know Daphne will be in and ask them to wait outside while I tidy up the room. I do indeed tidy up the room. Conjuring a new sheet for the bed and vanishing the dust in the room, before turning to Daphne.

"Pet," I greet.

"Master," Daphne replied.

I ran a hand through her black hair, causing her to hum in contentment. "You know I am here to punish you, don't you?" She nods sadly. "If you can endure my punishment, however, Ill let you wear my mark."

"Thank you, Master."

"You will sit here," I point to a chair in the corner of the room which she does immediately. "You won't move or touch yourself." I smile darkly at her, and she begins to look nervous. "Just as an insurance policy for such things, Adaugeo Sensilis Somes." The blue light flashes and the drain felt lessened this time. I run my hand along her check and she cringes as if I had slapped her with all my strength. "Any touch will cause pain now, until I counter the spell." I cast a silencing and disillusionment charm on her before calling Hannah and Susan in.

When Susan and Hannah slowly and cautiously came into the room I had already sat on the bed. They came and sat when I ask. To there eyes, the room was almost bare. All they saw was the bed covered in a white sheet, and signs that the room was previously filled with dust. The once white wallpapers yellowed with time, stained by dust and dirt. The floorboards creaked and groaned as the two light women walked across them. Some of them visibly bowed when stepped on. The bed, held together by only the spells I added, was no better. Beneath the sheet, springs had once ripped through the mattress, now held in place by repairing charms on the fabric. It was, probably, the least romantic place for what I had planned.

"What did you have in mind, now?" Susan asks as her overly nervous friend sits on her left, farther away from me.

I shrug at her question. "Why rush into things, hmm? I know so little about the two of you and I would love for us to be friends. Why don't we talk for a while?"

They both look slightly confused but reluctantly agree. "What would you like to know?"

I shrug again. "I don't know; how about your home lives? What kind of hobbies do you have?"

"I like to college chocolate frog cards." Hannah answers excitedly. "I've got hundreds of them. I even have your card, Harry."

I raise an eyebrow at her." Do you, now? I was unaware I even had one."

"Oh yes," She chirped. "They made it during this summer. The chocolate frog company sold them separate for ten galleons a piece."

"You paid ten galleons for a bit of cardboard with a picture on it?" Susan asks incredulously. Hannah blushes in embarrassment as she looks down. "I think this has turned from a hobby to an obsession." She said rolling her eyes. I have to agree with her.

"And what about yourself, Susan. What kind of hobbies do you have?"

She blushes as well as I ask. "I collect figurines. Sometimes I make them."

"That's a very interesting hobby." Not really, but who cares. "What kind of figurines?"

"Mostly its simply small ones, though they are animated."

"I have a small Hungarian Horntail that walks and flies a bit. Think it might even blow smoke."

Susan's eyes light up, "Really? I don't have one of those."

"Indeed," I answer slowly. "I've nothing to do with it, so if you want it, it's yours."

"Thank you," She chirps happily.

"Hmm," I hum. "So, what about your personal lives? Any boyfriends? That kind of thing."

"Goodness, no," Susan answers with a furious red blush.

"Well," Hannah hesitates. "I went to Hogsmeade with Ernie MacMillian once."

"What?" Susan turns to Hannah, looking shocked. "When? And why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Was during fourth year." Hannah mumbles. "I didn't think it was all that big a deal. We just went as friends, you know."

I smirk mentally to myself. I wonder if I can use this to my advantage. "So you've never even kissed a guy before?"

Hannah looks shyly at Susan as the red head blushes crimson, looking down. "No," Hannah answers meekly, Susan giving an agreement a second later.

I nearly blink in confusion. I wonder for a second what the look Hannah gave her friend was for. "... Have you kissed anyone before?"

"Well..." Susan stutters nervously. "Maybe I could have possibly kissed one person." Her eyes dart to Hannah. Well, isn't that interesting.

"Hannah, perhaps?" I ask softly? Susan's head snaps up and looks at me surprised. I smile at her. "You aren't very good at hiding it, you know. You looked at her when you answered. If that's what you are into though, it's fine by me."

"What do you mean, if that's what we're into?" Hannah asks slowly, confusion on her pink face.

"You're a muggle born, aren't you?" Hannah nods. "Then you should know that sometimes women prefer women and men prefer men." I shrug. "It doesn't really matter to me."


"But I wonder something." They look at me curiously. "How do you know you prefer women, if you have never been with a man?"

"Umm," Hannah stammered. "I ...uhh... don't really... know..."

I smile gently at her and look at Bones. She has the same nervous but curious look on her face. "Would you like to try?" I ask sweetly. "I can volunteer to experiment with you. And you know you can trust me, that I would never o anything to hurt either of you. You are my friends, after all, and friends are there for one another."

They both blush deeper a moment later and I am curious as to what they are thinking. Seeing that neither plans it answer, I lay my hand gently on Susan's thigh, and lean towards her. She looks scared, but doesn't move away as my lips capture hers. My tongue is gently forced into her mouth and stokes her own softly. I feel more than hear her moan softly in delight. She presses back into me, deepening the gentle kiss, as I suck her lips softly. My hand slowly rises from her thigh and I press it against her breast, kneading it slightly. Susan squeaks and pulls away.

"Wha...what are you doing?" Her fear covers her voice.

"Shhh," I whisper placing my lips next to her ear. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." She doesn't resist much as a press her back, laying her down between Hannah and me. Slowly my hands work the buttons of her blouse, exposing her pale flesh to me. I run my fingers along her stomach and she jerks slightly. "Ticklish?" I ask and she nods weakly. Pulling the white brassiere that hides her breasts down, my eyes rink every detail of her pale body. Her hands immediately cover them however and she looks quite embarrassed.

"Don't worry, dear," I say smiling gently at her, my hand sliding beneath her own to cup her tit. She moans as I play with her nipple for a moment before taking my hand away. Gently I pry her hands away. She gives a bit of resistance, but relaxes when I tell her that no one but Hannah and I can see her.

"Hmm, you have such a pretty body, you know." I whisper to her as I lean closer. She blushes but forgets the words as my tongue flicks her nipple. She worms about, moaning and running her hands through my hair as I flick, nibble, and amuse myself with her nipples. Slowly I slide a free hand down to her skirt, reaching beneath it for her knickers.

"Ohh," she sighs as I press a finger into her clit. After a minute her knickers, white as well, are around her knees and she is bucking her hips into my hands unthinkingly, desperate for the pleasure. Hannah is watching her in fascination. I stop before she reaches her climax however, and she groans loudly in disappointment.

"Why did you stop?" She pants.

I smile mischievously at her. "You'll see." She lifts her legs to assist as I remove her knickers completely. She is, in my opinion, much more attractive in this state. She still wears her clothes, but they are rumpled and open. They reveal enough skin to be arousing but still not completely revealing. It is much more attractive than total nudity.

Spreading her legs, I kneel in front of the bed and gaze at her slit. It is clumsily shaven and puffy. Her entire body is covered in sweat, and the sweat is mixed with her juices between her legs, giving off a slightly salty smell. She tastes of sweat slightly, I find, as I prod her clit with my tongue. She lets out a long sigh as I do, moaning my name. I play in her depths with my fingers as I relish in her taste.

"Harry!" She cries as she reaches orgasm against my tongue. She lay panting for many a long minutes, before looking at me again. "That felt wonderful, but I think I like it better when Hannah does it."

"Indeed," I respond, "But we've only just begun." I smile and look over at the small blond. "We can't forget dear Hannah here.'

The blond looks somehow nervous, scared, and excited at once. Her normally pink face is darker, looking red. Absently, her tongue darts across her lips as she stares at mine. Her eyes drift closed as I press my lips into hers. She tasted sweet, something like candy. Her tongue excitedly pressed against mine as I pushed it into her mouth. It took a moment, but I was able to calm her down and relax into the kiss. She twitched and jerked when I put my hand up her shirt, fondling her small breast.

I stopped kissing her after a few moments and began to undo her shirt. Beneath her pale blue bra her skin is a seamless tan. I quirked an eyebrow at her and she blushed deeper. Unlike Susan, she made no attempts to hide her flesh, but did seem quiet embarrassed to expose it to me. Her nipples stood erect as I brushed a thumb against them, pinched and pulled on them. Hannah is incredibly sensitive, I find. Her moans are far more frequent than Susan's and she nearly screams when I bite down on her nipple. Pushing her back into a laying position, I lick and nip at her chest and stomach as I pull her skirt and knickers off completely, tossing them onto the floor.

Abbot's face scrunches up as my fingers dive into her, my teeth dragging across her nipple. "Harry," she moans, thrusting onto my hand wildly, without rhythm. Having a hard time continuing this way, I press down on her hips, holding her in place as I flick her clit, diving deeper and deeper into her. "Ahhh!" She moans, twitching violently as I pinch her clit. Hannah has her hands in her blonde hair, grunting, moaning, and muttering incoherently as I finger her faster and faster, enjoying the sounds she makes and the obscene noise filling the room.

My erection is now quite painful, and I decide its time that I felt the release I crave. I place myself between her legs, releasing my erection. It is slightly embarrassing to have her stare at it the way she is. I know I am not the largest man in the world, but most times I feel comfortable with my average size. She whimpers slightly as I press into her lips, sliding in slowly. "Don't worry, Hannah, my sweet. I'll be gentle."

Slowly I push deeper and deeper into her, breaking beyond her barrier, causing her to cry in pain. Softly, I kiss her on the neck, cheek, and beside her eyes repeatedly, whispering calmly to her. She finally relaxes after many moments and begins moving against me. I reciprocate, keeping a slow rhythm, suckling her breasts as I pump. Her moans become impatient as I retain my slow action, teasing and pleasing all at once.

"Mmm," she groans. "Please, do it faster."

I cast my eyes at her, before obliging. The sounds of our flesh slapping together becomes louder and louder as I slam into hers. From the corner of my eye, I notice Susan is watching us intently, matching our speed with her own hand in underneath her skirt. I smirk at her and call her to me, sitting her on Hannah's hips, replacing her hand with my own. The clasps on her skirt are released and I toss it to the ground, on Hannah's. Abbot still struggles to move against me with the weight of Susan sitting on her as I pound into her whole fiercely.

"Look at Susan, Hannah," I whisper over Bones' shoulder. "She loves looking at you beneath me, taking me in." Susan blushed incredibly but Hannah's eyes seemed to lock on the red head, drinking in ever inch of exposed flesh. "Doesn't she just look so tasty, her hands all over herself." I pinch Susan's nipples, run a hand down her flap stomach, revealed to Hannah every inch of flesh I could. I could feel Hannah tighten around me as I whispered to her. I took her hand, rubbing it along Susan's body. She grasped Susan's breasts as I ran them over the redhead's mounds. I watched with interest, still pumping into Hannah, as the blonde leaned up, capturing Susan's nipple in her mouth; the other brushed, tweaked, pulled, and pinched with a free hand.

"Hannah," Susan breathlessly sighed. Her hands swam in blonde hair, pulling her head closer. She grinds herself into my hand and groaning my name as well as Hannah's.

I grunt with effort as my body is racked with effort to hold my climax. I pull myself from Hannah in time to cover her inner thighs and Susan's bared checks with my excitement. I pant a moment before noticing Hannah has taken to massaging Susan's southern lips. Watching the two was quite exotic. The blonde devoured the redhead's lips, he tongue dancing in her mouth, with expertise. Her left hand danced in the red garden between Susan's legs while her right meddled with her breasts. Susan fondled the blonde's much smaller mounds with less finesse, her hand reaching below her, in the blonde's own garden.

"Hmm," I hummed in interest. "You've done this before haven't you?" I whispered down at Hannah and Susan. Susan blushes, not stopping her play, while Hannah simply turned her eyes to me, no denial in them. "Kinky little girls, aren't you?"

Susan leaned forward, climbing onto her hands and knees when I pushed her forward. She leaned down and embraced Hannah as I entered her, Hannah's fingers brushing against me as I did. Hannah gasped as Susan bit into her shoulder when I pushed all the way into her. Susan's warmth grasped me, pulling me in deeper after she became comfortable, her hips rocked back against me. My fingers danced in a blonde garden beneath her as I pushed faster and harder into Susan. I pulled my hand out of Hannah, gazing at the sweet and sweaty liquid coating my fingers. I smiled into Susan's ear.

"Can you see it, Susan?" I ask. "Can you see Hannah's desire for you?" A moan escaped her lips and she tightened. I pressed my wet fingers to her lips, gazing down into Hannah's wide eyes. "Taste her," I tell her. "Show your pretty little friend how much you enjoy her." Her lips opened slowly and without hesitation, her tongue darted to my fingers, pulling them into her mouth. She suckled it greedily, tongue twisting and twirling about it. "Do you like her flavour, Susan, my pet?" I coo into her ear. She hummed an agreement as I removed my finger.

Grasping her hips, I pulled Susan against me, pushing harder and deeper and faster into her warm passage. Hannah's fingers moved faster and faster against the redhead's clit as I ravaged her friend. The dirty old room was filled with obscene wet sounds and moans. It was exciting to watch her breasts sway as I violently entered and left her. Sweat glistens from every body in the room as the dim moonlight peaks from the window. Susan let out a sudden cry and clamped down, vice like, on me as she reaches her climax, myself not far behind. With a grunt, my excitement spills forth, filling the young redhead's garden with my seed.

Pulling myself from her, I watch her collapse onto the blond beneath her. She lay panting as the blonde embraced her, me lying at their side. Five minutes pass and no one speaks. Looking at them, I decide its better to send them away. My spells on Daphne won't hold much longer. "I think its time we get out of here." Susan hummed in agreement. Slowly, thy dressed.

"It would probably look bad if we left together," I tell them and Hannah nods.

"People might start hideous rumours or something."

I smile at her. They left quietly enough, promise to meet again exchanged. Slowly I retrieved my wand from my pants on the floor and flicked it in Daphne's direction. Slowly the girl faded into view. Her black hair was a mess and tears streamed freely from her eyes. I removed the silencing charm and dry sobs slithered through her lips.

"Daphne," I call and her eyes are on me in an instant, full of pain. "Come here, my sweet little pet." She winces at every movement. Clothing brushing against her skin, feet on the floor, hair bouncing, hair brushing flesh; it all brings a degree of pain that, when combine, is excruciating. She kneels between my legs, head bowed. Pressing my wand against her forehead, I whisper. "Verese."

Slowly, the pained haze in her eyes ebbs away. "Thank you, master," she sobs blissfully. "Thank you. I swear," She sobs," I swear I won't disobey again."

I run a hand along her cheek, which she nuzzles into deeper, lavishing kisses up. Grasping her hair softly, I lean down till my nose touches hers. "You know I don't want to punish you, don't you? I do so dislike seeing my pretties in so much pain." I press a kiss to her lips. "Don't make me do it again, sweet."

"I swear," She whispers, eyes closed, her lips drifting across mine as she speaks.

I smile at her, pointing my wand at her ankle. A whisper and the same strange symbol Marietta bare is now branded in the flesh of the young beautiful Slytherin girl. "And now, you are mine, completely and eternally."

"You're most loyal," She insists.

"We shall see."

She shifts, before looking up at me. "Master." I raise an eyebrow, silently beckoning for her to continue. "It hurts, master." She whispers, pulling up her skirt. Her knickers are wet and soon pulled aside. She is swollen and obviously aroused. "It hurt so much. My filthy pussy getting so hot and wet. It became so swollen. It hurt so much to rub against my knickers."

"We will simply have to remedy that, won't we?" I lead her mouth to my swollen member. She takes it in without hesitation, lavishing it with attention. She runs her tongue up and down, suckling the head, stroking the base. "Hmm, that's a good girl," I putt at her. I don't allow her to bring me to closure however, and pull her into my lap.

"Master!" she hisses in delight as I penetrate deep into her longing hole. Laying back I allow her to do as she pleases. She rolls her hips this way and that, grinding against me. Soon my apathetic motions fall away to thrusting up to meet her. Down meets up and up meets down. Further and further we dive, each trying to siphon away the other's pleasure. Daphne comes first, head thrown back as she falls into oblivion. I follow shortly after, leaking into her ravaged body. I allow my eyes to drift shut as I slip into the blissful grasp of sleep, exhaustion no longer ignorable.


This is the unbeta'd Version. My beta went on vacation, so I decided to post this now. She has had it for some time now (Read: I forgot when I gave it to her, prolly less time than I think).As always: Enjoy. And Review, Review, and review some more!

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