Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Return


by roxbury 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2007-11-08 - Updated: 2007-11-08 - 4481 words

Harry groaned when he heard his aunt's shrill voice call for him. Though the lovely talking-to Vernon got kept the Dursleys in line, only Harry knew that save for a few members, the Order would not follow up on their threat.

"Coming," he sighed as he put away his Defence Against the Dark Arts book, a gift from Remus, and dawdled downstairs. Aunt Petunia was staring at him with a cross look on her face which reminded Harry of Narcissa Malfoy, who looked like she had smelled something fairly unpleasant. Probably her husband, mused Harry.

"Boy, we're out of milk! Here's a couple of pounds, go get some!" she snapped.

"You know, manners would be nice," Harry retorted as he took an offered five-pound note.

"Boy, you have balls talking to me in such a manner," she shouted.

Harry cocked an eyebrow. "You sounded like Vernon for a moment. Are you feeling alright?"

"Get the milk!" she shrieked angrily.

"Temper, temper, Aunt Petunia," Harry said smirking. "After all, you never know who's watching." Petunia paled and clutched her chest as Harry walked out the door.


On his way to the Morrison's, he reflected on the last couple of months. He had been back to Privet Drive almost the whole two months and yet he had received more mail from the Order than all the previous summers combined. Remus had given him a comprehensive book filled with useful curses and hexes for fighting and he had practically memorised it on his first night, although he read it and reread it. He missed Sirius, but he knew that whining and crying over him wasn't going to help anyone. It wasn't his fault that Sirius was killed. Voldemort tricked him, Bellatrix killed him, Dumbledore lied to him and Sirius never told him about the mirror. As he turned a corner and entered a park, a shortcut to the shops, he heard a small shuffle from behind him. He whirled around, wand out as a dark robed figure wearing a particularly nasty grin aimed a wand at him.

"Crucio!" the Death Eater cursed. Harry quickly leapt behind a tree.

"Stupefy!" Someone shouted in a very familiar voice. Harry raised his wand and whirled from behind the tree.

"Begge!" He bellowed and a Death Eater was fling through the air like a rag doll as the bludgeoning hex hit him in the ribs. Harry saw Remus valiantly fighting off three Death Eaters at once. Suddenly, he felt a familiar pain fill his scar and he turned to see the pale and skeletal face of Lord Voldemort. He froze, feeling like a deer in headlights as Voldemort watched Harry.

"Hello, Potter," Voldemort said coldly. "Feeling up to a stroll, are we?" Harry said nothing, his blood rushing through his veins as a coil of terror filled him.

"Are you ready to surrender?" Voldemort asked, his red gleaming eyes surveying the duel Remus was fighting with interest.

Harry found his voice and hoped it didn't echo the terror he was feeling. "In your dreams," he croaked. "Expelliarmus!" Voldemort casually sidestepped as the orange beam flashed past him. Raising a wand in his bony fingers, his lips curved into a grin.

"Crucio!" Harry quickly dove out of the way as adrenaline and magic began to fill his veins as it did every time he duelled, overriding his terror and fear and replacing them with determination.

"Stupefy!" Voldemort merely laughed mockingly as he flicked his wand and the hex suddenly stopped, before rebounding back onto Harry. Harry ducked and rolled to his left as a searing yellow bolt of magic impacted on a tree.

"Begge!" Harry shouted and Voldemort smiled scornfully as he batted the curse away with his fingers. "Expelliarmus! Stupefy! Petrificus Totalus!"

Voldemort just shielded himself from the hexes and sighed. "So much potential, wasted," he muttered pitifully. "Your father would be disappointed, even he put up a better fight than this. Do you really think that I would be caught unaware on such pitiful curses?"

Harry felt his rage grow and he flicked his wand forcibly. "Pyrillio!" he shouted angrily. Voldemort was no longer laughing as a yellow fire shaped like a whip coiled around him. Harry aimed his wand even as Voldemort struggled out of the binds.

"Izicus!" Harry shouted. Voldemort suddenly disappeared as he Apparated away. The icy curse struck a tree and there was a crack as it froze in blue-white ice. When Voldemort reappeared, he swished his wand and Harry was knocked off his feet and thrown forcibly into a tree, hitting his head against the trunk and he fell unconscious.


Harry awoke in a dark room on a small bed. He looked around dartingly. He was still dressed in the oversized rags that were once Dudley's. Other than the bed, the room was bare save for a pitcher of water and a glass. His wand was gone and the door seemed to be locked. He regarded the water distastefully but figured that if Voldemort wanted him dead, he would be. He quickly guzzled it down and sighed. Suddenly, the door opened and Voldemort stepped in.

"Good morning, Harry," he said, smirking cruelly. Harry did not reply, and avoided the Dark wizard's eyes.

"Do not fear, Harry," he said, still smirking. "Your feeble mind has little information in it that I did not learn when I possessed you." Harry said nothing.

"Are you not interested in why you are still alive?" Voldemort asked.

Harry sighed. "Let me guess, you want to torture me in front of your minions then kill me?" he said sarcastically. "You supervillains are so predictable."

Voldemort laughed eerily. "Such a selfish attitude. The world does not revolve around you, Potter. My loyal Death Eaters know nothing of your location, and if you do as I say, they will never learn. You will leave mostly unharmed and they will simply figure you escaped. And I will have an excuse to torture Wormtail for you."

"I'm touched," Harry said sarcastically. "What do you want?"

"I need your help." Voldemort said, his smirk fading. He waved his hand and Harry felt his clothes rustle. When he looked down, he saw they had been changed to more comfortable and fitting black robes. "Come with me." Harry was confused now, and curious. As he walked next to the evil wizard, he couldn't help but wonder why his scar wasn't hurting him. He voiced the question and Voldemort chuckled... chuckled. This was just getting scarier and scarier.

"I have disposed of the link," he said. "I had no further use for it. Your mind is perfectly open for me to see, one of the few orders dear Severus fulfilled faithfully." Harry nodded slowly. Something was up.

"As I was saying, I need your help in a little ritual of mine. Once you help me, you will be permitted to leave." Voldemort said.

"No," Harry said automatically.

"Come now, Harry," Voldemort said as they walked into a room. "I only ask for a little assistance. And I even offer a little incentive. You will help me, or you will be responsible for a great many deaths."

Harry stiffened and he glared at the Dark Lord. "Who?" he asked.

Voldemort smiled cruelly. "Not who, but where," he said cryptically, before he waved his hand and a world map appeared on a wall. Several red dots were stationed all over the world. "I have spent the last year using mind control curses such as the Imperius and other potions to gain control of several Muggles who are responsible for powerful Muggle weapons. Nuclear warheads, I believe they are called."

Harry felt a growing dread uncoil from inside him. "No..." he whispered.

Voldemort smirked. "If you follow my simple instructions, the locations covered in red dots will all be destroyed." Harry looked at the map. New York, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Mexico City, London, Berlin, Beijing, Tokyo, Canberra, Sydney... and numerous other red dots covered various cities spanning the world. "You see, Potter, I do not have to spend my time making weak brews of sleeping draughts and practising levitation charms."

"What guarantee do I get that you won't destroy them anyway?" Harry asked desperately.

"I will sign a Wizarding contract which will state that so long as you are alive, I will never use Muggle weapons anywhere, including these particularly interesting and destructive warheads." Voldemort said. "Well? What is your answer, boy?" he demanded. Harry sighed, defeated. He had to agree, he had no choice. He nodded his head in disgust.

"Do not sound so defeated, I have a feeling that you will gain much from this ritual." Voldemort said slyly. "Tell me, have you ever heard of the Nocturnus Tronjus pur ritual?"

"Should I have?" Harry asked.

"No, you shouldn't have." Voldemort said as he paced the room. "It is a ritual that lets a male relative bring a family member back from the dead."

Harry looked shocked. "I - I thought that it was impossible to revive the dead..." he trailed off.

"No, it is not impossible, but with since the introduction of the foolish Mudbloods you seem so hell-bent on protecting, it has been considered immoral. Also, only one of great power can perform this ritual. You and I are the only two wizards who could possibly think to do so."

"Me?" Harry scoffed. "I'm hardly powerful. And what about Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore is too old and too good, his feeble body would not be able to survive the Dark powers of this ritual. You, however, have had Dark Magic in your veins since you were a mere babe and it will continue to flow through you long after Dumbledore is dead." Voldemort explained.

Harry nodded slowly. "So, you want to bring your mother back, right?" he asked. "Because you hate your dad."

Voldemort smiled softly and sadly. "I can not bring my mother back, she was not preserved as wizards and witches usually are when buried. She is lost to me forever."

"So who do you want to revive?" Harry asked.

Voldemort stared at Harry. "Tell me Potter, have you ever wanted to meet your mother?" he asked.

Harry suddenly felt sick. "No!" he shouted. "I won't let you kill her again!"

"Sit down, you foolish boy!" Voldemort growled. Harry sat slowly, his eyes showing hatred.

"I have been in your mind; I know what you see and hear when you face a Dementor." Voldemort said. "You therefore know that I wanted your mother alive, but she left me no choice other than to kill her. She possesses some information that I want. A name, the name of a certain magical object that I desire and its location. Once she is resurrected and she has told me, she can leave with you. Think about it Harry, you can save the lives of billions and have a family."

Harry stared at Voldemort. "No," he said firmly. "She took the secret to the grave with her, I will not betray her! Besides, why wouldn't you want to kill her? She's just another Mudblood!"

"You will!" Voldemort hissed. "You have the power to save the lives of billions of innocent Muggles. You WILL participate in this ritual or I will activate the weapons. If you agree, not only will I let you both leave, but I will release Severus Snape."

"What are you talking about?" Harry cried.

"I knew he was a spy from the beginning." Voldemort said cruelly. He waved his hand and the picture on the wall fuzzed, before a picture of Snape appeared up there. He was bloody, beaten and scarred. His face was covered in bruises and even as Harry watched, a Death Eater launched a Cruciatus curse, making Snape scream. Harry felt sick and he realised that he had to agree. No matter how much he hated Snape, he couldn't do that to anybody, he refused to prolong the torture. Fucking sense of nobility.

Harry sighed and nodded. "Fine. What do I have to do?"

Voldemort grinned in triumph. "I will stop the traitor's torture." He said as he handed Harry and old and leather book. "Read this, and do it quickly!"

Nocturnus Tronjus Pur -

The Nocturnus Tronjus Pur ritual is an old and barbaric ritual that originated from the time of the Vikings. This ritual enables those who have died and placed under the standard preservation charms to possibly have their soul restored. Keep in mind that their body will still be damaged and the subject will die if their wounds are still inflicted. The conditions are that the body must be female and the relative must be male. There is a cost to this ritual for the relative, though since this has not been used in hundreds of years, it us unclear of what happens to the male afterwards. There are three stages to this ritual.

The first stage is to activate a portal to the Undeworld. This can be done using several methods, however the most common and easiest method would be to use a modified Demon Summoning rite.

The second stage is to start the incantation to draw the soul from the murky depths of the realm of the dead. No living being should ever enter this realm, as even a second of entering the realm will kill you. The incantation is said and the body is reanimated. All respiratory and brain functions are restored, but the soul is not yet incorporated into the body.

The third stage is for the relative of the deceased to complete the ritual by means unknown, effectively restoring the soul of the departed.

The Incantation used is...

"I see you have read the ritual rites," Voldemort said.

"I don't understand. What do I have to do?" Harry asked.

"You will see," Voldemort and his lips curved into a cruel smile.

"What is it?" Harry asked. "Or I won't do it."

"You will," Voldemort said, all traces of pleasantries gone.

"I can't...!" Harry trailed off as Voldemort arched an eyebrow as he looked at the map. What was he going to do?

"Here is the contract." Voldemort said as he handed Harry a piece of parchment. Harry read through it very carefully. It was honest and there were no little loopholes that Voldemort could take advantage of. As Voldemort signed it, Harry hesitated.

"What's the catch?" he asked, grimacing.

Voldemort smirked. "The contract is clean," he said smoothly.

"Bullshit," Harry snarled. "They're never clean! And I trust a lawyer more than I would trust you!"

"The foolish constantly misplace their trust," Voldemort noted. "I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, swear by my magic on pain of torture and death that the contract given to Harry James Potter is free of all legal entrapments, and that the contract is exactly as I have told him it is."

Harry was surprised to hear Voldemort say his real name as he felt the binding magic stiffen in the air, and he placed the familiar quill onto the paper. He signed it hesitantly.

"The ritual will be performed at midnight. Please do not stray from your rooms; I would hate to have to kill you," Voldemort said cruelly.


Harry sat in his room, alone with his thoughts. What was he meant to do? Was he supposed to sacrifice the lives of billions just because he was supposed to refuse? Voldemort was definitely up to something though, and Harry was worried that he might have brought doom to the Wizarding world, all because he said yes.


He was shaken from his thoughts when Voldemort opened the door. "It is time."

Harry was led to a pentagram shaped room made of steel. There was a large glowing black portal on one of the walls and Voldemort smirked cruelly before he pushed Harry in and slammed the door.

"Wait! What do I do?" Harry shouted.

"You will know," Voldemort said as he shut the window. "I am unable to watch, it will go against the ritual." Harry scoffed and examined his surroundings. The most obvious thing he took notice of was something on the floor. Lying on the ground was a twenty-year-old woman, with crimson hair to her shoulders, a fair and beautiful face and blank green eyes, the exact same shade as his were. She was wearing a white robe and looked very familiar. It was his mum. How could it have been anyone else?

Harry hesitantly approached her and reached out a shaking hand. His fingers brushed her cold cheeks and he felt a tear fall onto his cheek. Suddenly a voice started echoing in the room as Voldemort started chanting. His dark and evil voice spread throughout the chamber and Harry dropped to the ground in pain as he felt dark energies swirl around the portal. It glowed and shimmered as Voldemort kept chanting. Harry could only turn his head as the portal grew brighter and brighter. He clutched his mother's hand and squeezed her hand as Voldemort's voice swept over the room. Suddenly, it all stopped and Harry opened his eyes. The portal was now a purplish liquid that was slowly pulsing.

"Now what?" Harry called after a few minutes. Voldemort's voice answered.

"I will leave and return in fifteen minutes. You will have completed the ritual by then."

"What do I do?" Harry shouted exasperatedly. There was no answer. Harry sighed angrily before he heard a scrape from behind him. He tensed and slowly turned around. Lily was standing up, her back facing him. Harry was astonished and scared at the same time. Lily just remained standing still, breathing with her head bowed.

"Er - hello?" Harry said softly. Suddenly he heard a low growl and Lily whirled around. Harry blinked. Her eyes were no longer blank, but showed something he couldn't define. Her mouth was curved into a smile of what he could only describe as predatory smirk. She slowly started walking towards him. Harry remained very still as she came close, before she jumped at him, knocking his back against the wall. She latched her mouth onto his and Harry felt something sweep over him as her mouth plundered his. He suddenly felt faint, as if he were in a dream. His mind felt sluggish as his thoughts dimmed down. He was only aware of two things, his uncontrollable and undeniable lust, and the warm female in his arms.

Harry kissed back in an animal lust. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, a part of him protested, a part of him struggled, but it all disappeared when Lily moved her hands to his hair, rubbing her hands through it. Her mouth was warm and wet, and with restless nips and nibbles grew eager under his. She deepened the kiss as her body rubbed and rocked up against his.

She let out a soft whimper and Harry felt himself pull away as he stared into her lust filled eyes. He growled as he pulled back and he ripped through her robes with strength that he shouldn't have. The woman clawed at his own robes as she ripped through them, before Harry spun her around and slammed her against the wall, putting dints into the steel. A sort of half-whimper, half-moan escaped the girl's lips as Harry began to trail kisses down her throat. He could feel the craving build inside of him as his hands stroked and touched everything he could find. The girl's bra was soon to go, the fabric ripped in shreds as he grasped her breasts. The woman whimpered as she arched her back as Harry petted and stroked her. Harry suddenly felt energy slowly build up inside him, but he ignored it as his desire increased tenfold. He ripped off her underwear and started stroking and fondling.

His caresses to her lower body never faltering, He felt a sudden rush of cold air and then warmth as she returned them wildly and pressed up against him. His lower body began to burn with heat as his cock hardened even further. She began to push herself up against him and circle her hips into his fingers, wanting, needing him to give her more. Harry complied eagerly as he thrust two fingers into her slickness. The girl let out a beastly moan, before she struggled and leapt out of his grasp. Harry snarled as she lusty grin came over her face, before she jumped up on him, her legs circling his waist. His robes had been torn to shreds due to her clawing and as she rest up against him, Harry thrust inside of her. Suddenly, he could feel energy filling and draining him as the woman glowed in a white light a she lifted her head in pleasure. His mind had gone even blanker with only one thought in it, to complete the ritual. He had to complete the ritual! He started pumping into her as her legs bound him to her even tighter. Ignoring her groans and screams, he slammed her against the wall, a rumble running through the ground as dust settled from the ceiling. His body was changing, he could feel it as his organs shut down, his heart slowed and finally stopped, before there was a twisting feeling that might have been painful if he were anywhere else. But all he could feel was the slick, tight and warm feeling of being inside the girl. He thrust deeper and faster, his mind shutting down slowly. Over and over he pounded completely into her, eliciting a deep, slightly hysterical gasp of pleasure each time. He passionately kissed her neck, running his lips over her moist, pale skin. He felt a building, a burning rush and a tingling as he hammered into her, before stopping suddenly as he erupted inside of her. At the same time, the girl had tightened as she felt waves of pleasure run through her. Harry felt himself drain completely as he suddenly realised that magic was moving from her into him. The room glowed in a purple light as the portal sent a ghostly figure out. It floated towards Lily and entered her as Harry disengaged himself as he dropped to the ground.

He couldn't breathe! His heart had stopped! He could feel every single thing about his body and he flexed his arm, before slamming his fist into the ground, cracking and smashing through the steel. He suddenly knew, and he switched his heart back on as he stood. His mind switched back on as the last of the ritual magic disappeared. He groaned out lout as aches returned to his body and dropped to the ground, exhausted and confused. He could vaguely remember a rush of emotions, before it all went dark and sketchy. Flashes of memory. Ritual... Voldemort... portal... incantations... Lily standing...! Harry suddenly shot up as he remembered every single detail. She had kissed him...and he had felt everything melt away. What had Voldemort made him do? He glanced around to see Lily rubbing her eyes as she sat up, dazed and confused. Suddenly the door opened and Voldemort walked in, smirking.

"After all these years; hello again, Lily," he said.


Lily was feeling rather weird. The last thing she had remembered was being hit by a green jet of light, feeling a pain comparable to the Cruciatus curse before sinking into an infinite blackness. Suddenly, something had pulled her out of the depths of the blackness and she had felt a mixture of pleasure, magic and energy run through her, before waking up naked and confused in a steel chamber. Suddenly, she saw a door being opened and in walked a snake-like face, a face only obtainable after losing your humanity.

"After all these years; hello again, Lily," Voldemort said.

"Voldemort," she scowled. "I will not let you take him!" she shouted as memories of her life flashed through her head.

Voldemort laughed mockingly. "Oh no, my dear, I haven't taken Harry Potter, you have!" Lily looked faintly bemused, before her gaze took the figure of a teenager near a wall. He was lithe, a little thin but he had muscles. His jet-black hair was ruffled and messy. For a moment she thought it was James before she saw the crystal clear emerald eyes behind a pair of scratched and ruined glasses. He was also naked, like she was. Dear Lord! Lily couldn't help it but blush heavily.

"Harry and I performed the Nocturnus Tronjus pur ritual, something I am sure you have heard of, being a Charms Mistress." Voldemort said smugly.

Lily was aware of that particular ritual and glared at Voldemort. "I refuse to believe that my son would help you!" she hissed. Harry flinched.

"Do you really think he had a choice?" Voldemort asked incredulously. "What would he do, risk the lives of millions to refuse me? To see a Professor of his get tortured to death?" Voldemort laughed maniacally. Lily said nothing but she understood.

"To the point, we both have signed a magical contract stating certain terms that I have no doubt that he will tell you later. But I must know... where is the temple?" Voldemort asked.

"Temple?" Lily tried to look confused, before binding magic made her tongue move. "The temple is in Indonesia, with these co-ordinates," she said blankly, while telling him several numbers off a map.

Voldemort looked please. "I will now keep my part of the bargain. Potter?"

Lily opened her mouth when a scratchy but deep voice answered. "Yeah?"

Voldemort chucked him a wand and a small glowing ball, which he deftly caught. "The ball is a Portkey. It will take you to your room at your filthy Muggle relatives residence. As to my word, the weapons have been dismantled and disarmed, and will never be used again until your death at my hands. Both you and your mother are free to leave, though I recommend that you do so immediately. Snape has been sent to Hogwarts. In your bedroom, you will find a book on what you need to do to keep your mother alive. I suggest you read it within the week. The next time I see you, I will kill you." He also threw Harry his wand.

Harry eyed him in hatred. "Close your eyes, then," he snapped. "Son of a bitch." Voldemort sneered as he stalked from the room, locking it behind him.

"Reparo," said Harry disinterestedly, waving his wand. The clothes fixed themselves magically. He started putting on his robes before he glanced over at Lily, who was still staring at him in shock. "Er - you might want to get changed," he said, averting his eyes while his heart pounded. Lily nodded slowly and started putting on her clothes. Soon they were both dressed and Harry activated the Portkey, sending them both out of the room.
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