Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Re-Ordered

Two Harrys

by DrT

When would be one of the worst points in time for an over-powered Harry to return to his past? During the Trial before the Wizengamot! Time-traveling Harry reworks Year 5. Harry/Hermione/Luna/Padma

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Bill Weasley, Dobby, Draco, Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Lucius, Luna, Lupin, Moody, Neville, Padma, Ron, Sirius, Snape, Tonks, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-10-21 - Updated: 2006-10-21 - 3820 words

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters, ideas, and situations created by JR Rowling and owned by her and her publishers. I own the original elements & characters. No money is being made by me, and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter I
Friday, August 11, 1995

Albus Dumbledore was worried as he sat in the courtroom and tried to manipulate Harry's defense. He was worried in part because two dementors had attacked Harry and his cousin in Little Whinging. It should have been impossible for Tom to have sent any forces to that town with the blood protection which Lily had provided Harry, and which he had used to construct the wards -- and that protection would especially include dementors.

If Tom hadn't sent dementors, who had? Dumbledore now had a terrible suspicion which was approaching a certainly.

Dumbledore was also worried about how powerful Fudge's political influence had apparently become since June, although it was more likely attributable to Lucius Malfoy's long and deep purse than to Fudge himself. Had he still been head of this court, Dumbledore would never have allowed any case like this to be brought forward. Had he somehow been out-manoeuvered, he could have insured an easy verdict in Harry's favor. Now, it might come down to the shabbily-dressed Squib he'd had to pull out of bed in a hurry to get Harry off. The only alternative defense would have set Harry outside his control, which would be nearly as bad as Harry being found guilty. Still, that would form the appeal Dumbledore would make, if worse came to worse.

Suddenly, Harry slipped out of the accused chair and landed in a heap on the floor, convulsing as a powerful spell of some sort made his body glow with power.

Now Dumbledore was even more worried.

Harry slowly came back to awareness of his body. He was confused.

Harry slowly came back to his body. He was not so much confused, as he was concerned, as he wasn't certain exactly where his body was. Or when.

The two Harrys confronted each other in their now-common mind.

"Who are you?" 15 year-old Harry demanded.

"You," the other Harry said, "except I'm actually from 2013."

Had younger Harry been awake, he would have blinked and shaken his head at that.

"You won," older Harry said. "You beat Voldemort in 1998, but at a very high cost. Sirius, Dumbledore, Remus, Tonks, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, just to name a few you currently care about, where all dead by then. You survived, and mourned their loss for almost a year. When you came back to the wizarding world from your mourning, they actually tried to arrest you for killing Tom Riddle, since he and Voldemort were proven to be the same person."

"Sounds about right," younger Harry agreed. After all, he was already on trial for non-crimes.

"I was angry and depressed, and a friend helped me escape to North America. I came back to Britain in 2004, when the twins and some other friends of ours started a movement to overthrow the Ministerial oligarchy and replace it with a more representational government. We won, but again the price was high. By then, I had lost everyone I ever care about as more than just a friend, and had lost most of them as well. I spent six years researching this spell, to send my self and magic back to the past."

"Well, it worked," younger Harry said.

"Hopefully, it's May or June, 1995, at least a week before the end of the Triwizard."

Younger Harry sighed. "It's August, 1995."

"Shit! Before or after the trial?"

"During," younger Harry said drily.

"Oh . . . Shit, shite, merde! I was afraid that might happen, because it was about the worst scenario I could come up with."

Younger Harry was now convinced that this was indeed himself. That was his secret 'bad word set,' which he had never uttered aloud, but sometimes thought. "So what happens now?" he asked. "You take me over?"

"No," older Harry replied. "In terms of magic, it's our power merged together. I was slightly stronger than Riddle ever was, and he was slightly stronger than Dumbledore. . . ."

"You're joshing!"

"No," older Harry said. "Your magic overpowered Riddle in the graveyard, because then it wasn't about knowledge, only raw power. Remember, the reason Riddle is so dangerous to you is not your lack of power, but his ruthlessness and your lack of experience. He had nearly forty years of practicing magic on you in June, since he was a spirit for over ten years. Dumbledore is his near-equal in power, and has a hundred years on Tommy-boy."

"And now?"

"Together, we can easily over-power the Dork Lord," older Harry stated firmly. "He still has at least twenty years on the combined us, so we will have to be careful. More importantly, we will know what we need to know to destroy the bastard."


"Really," older Harry assured his younger self. "Moldishorts made himself nearly immortal by splitting his soul into six pieces plus the piece inside of what passes for his body, and each piece can be difficult to destroy by itself, although we took care of one at the end of our Second year."

"That diary?"

"Exactly," older Harry agreed. "One Horcrux down -- that what the six pieces are called -- and five more plus the Dark Lump himself. I know where four of the five other Horcruxes are, although one is down Nagini's gullet."


Older Harry gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. "Same as gutting a flobberworm, only bigger and messier." He seemed to come closer to younger Harry. "So, magically, it's both of us, although mine is a lot more developed than yours. In terms of memories, it will seem more like mine over the short-term, until you get used to them. In terms of personality, it will be more you than me, although you might hear 'me' talking in the back your mind for a while before we're totally joined."

"Do I have a choice?"

Older Harry again gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. "You can probably eject me, or at least most of me. I won't stop you. Or you can let me run things as we integrate. It's up to you."

"What about the trial?"

"We got off last time, but who can tell that Fudge is up to while we're talking to each other? The bastard is in Malfoy's moneybag."

"Should you be in charge when we wake up?" younger Harry asked.

"I can be, but that might be giving me more influence later."

"Do it anyway," younger Harry said. "I think you have a plan."

"I do," older Harry admitted, "but it's pretty radical. It would have been better if I had taken out the Death Nibblers in June. Still, if we do this, we will rock the British magical community and we could set every adult you know, including Dumbledore, against us, along with Ron and Ginny, and maybe even Hermione."

"Does Dumbledore really care as much for me as he seems to at times?" The Headmaster's actions that morning had bothered Harry a great deal.

Older Harry thought about that. "At times," he finally said, "but for some reason he preferred trying to save people like Snape and Malfoy to helping us prepare to fight."

"Then do what you have to do."


"Harry! Harry, speak to us!"

"Are you certain you didn't. . . ."

"What do you want, Cornelius? for me to swear an oath?"

Harry opened his eyes and frowned at the arguing members of the Wizengamot. He sat up and glared. "Which one of you did that?" he demanded. When they paid no attention, he wandlessly cast the Sonorus spell. "I SAID, WHICH ONE OF YOU ATTACKED ME!"

The courtroom went dead silent. Harry stood and he allowed a fair share of his magic power his aura, making it visible -- a rare sight that not even Voldemort or Dumbledore could easily pull off. He released the spells. "That wasn't Voldemort . . . oh, grow up! Tom Riddle is a powerful sorcerer, but he's not THAT powerful."

Everyone looked at him stupidly. Harry shook his head. Most of these people were old enough to remember the truth about Tom Riddle. Harry wondered if Riddle hadn't cast a confundus charm on everyone but Dumbledore. Harry sighed and reached over and took Percy's wand, to the sycophant's shock. Harry quickly did the 'TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE = I AM LORD VOLDEMORT' trick. As he did so, no one noticed Harry wandlessly sending off two paper messenger spells. "As I said, you dumb bastards can deny that Riddle -- or Voldemort, or 'Lord Thingy' or 'He-who-must-not-be- named' or 'Moldishorts' or 'the Dick Lord' or whatever you want to call him -- is back if you want to be stupid, or in the Minister's case, if you wish to maintain your pay from Lucius Malfoy. I prefer to look at the truth."

He glared at them, and they all, even Dumbledore, took at least one step back in fear as his magic flared around him. "Under the Founding Ministry Statutes of 1621, which cannot be amended, this session of the Wizengamot constituted as a court is illegal, as I was not given due notification of the time change. Also, since the Underage Magic of Act of 1911 has not been amended, although the amendment has been proposed, there is no crime for this body to judge legally -- not that such constraints have ever stopped the British Ministry from acting illegally, as in sending innocent people to Azkaban without a trial, contrary again to the Founding Ministry Statutes. Therefore, the most that I could be fined is fifty Galleons, since the Underage Magic Office was never properly set up under the Ministry Regulations of 1869." There was a lot of uncomfortable movement. These facts were well-known in certain small circles, and they were usually ignored, as no one wanted to put in the time and effort needed to make things perfectly legal -- plus of course the loopholes could be useful for the right people. "Even that is mostly moot, however, since the only magic I did was in front of my cousin, Dudley Dursley, who is aware of magic."

Harry glared at Delores Umbridge, who quivered. "We all know who the Ministry liaison to the dementors is, but I expect nothing will be done about that. Now, since I know I will not be allowed to confront any of my false accusers, let alone duel with them, I am leaving. As I have reached my fifteenth birthday and I am the sole surviving member and heir of one of the one hundred and twenty-three Founding Families of Magic, who met at Glastonbury on the summer solstice of 924 to form the Original Wizengamot, I declare myself of age -- and remember, that group's laws and customs take precedence over mere Ministerial decrees and even laws. This also again renders these charges moot. I also declare myself to be a warlock. I renounce the Ministry of Magic's claims upon me, and also any protections the Ministry or services the Ministry might provide."

"You can't do this!" Umbridge shouted.

"You'll never get your wand back!" Percy proclaimed.

Harry looked at Percy and snapped his fingers. His own wand appeared in his hand. Harry tossed Percy's wand back to him, and then, to everyone's shock, Harry snapped his wand in half and tossed it on the floor. "Test it, you'll see it was mine, and as for you, Umbitch, I couldn't care less what you say or proclaim. I hereby give notice that the following people are anathema to me." As an independent warlock, outside of the Ministry protections and most of the laws, Harry could be challenged by anyone who announced their intentions before hand. In the same manner, Harry could announce he would challenge almost anyone he chose. Harry should not chase them down (there was another set of rules for that), but he could attack them on sight under many circumstances. "Tom Riddle, who calls himself Lord Voldemort. Lucius Malfoy, Voldemort's main financial backer and a Marked Death Eater. Cornelius Fudge, who receives most of that financial backing. Delores Umbridge, his toad in every sense and who I charge with setting the dementors on both me and my defenseless Muggle cousin. Anyone bearing the Dark Mark -- especially Peter Pettigrew, who is alive and who was my parents' secret keeper, not Sirius Black, who is innocent of all charges brought against him. And that little ferret, Draco Malfoy, might be underage and so I cannot proclaim him anathema, but if he attacks me or my friends, I will answer him with equal violence."

"Just who do you think you are?" Umbridge shouted at Harry before anyone else could.

"I am your worst nightmare," Harry said. "Someone who doesn't give a rat's arse about any one of you and who has the power, ancestry, and money to back that up. At some point, even Malfoy's money won't be able to cover up that Voldemort is back. At that point, you'll all come to kiss my arse and I'll tell you to go to hell."

At that point, the doors to the courtroom opened, and Lucius Malfoy, looking confused, and another wizard came in.

"Harry, no!" Dumbledore shouted.

"Shut up!" Harry snapped. "You've had almost sixty years to deal with Riddle, and you've stuffed things up at every turn." Harry walked over to the other wizard who had just come in and took the Prophecy. Harry handed it to the very shocked Lucius Malfoy. "He could handle it, because it's his job," Harry said. "You can, because I gave it to you. Now, you tell that half-blood bastard master of yours to listen to that prophecy well. I have the power to kill him. If he seeks immortality, I couldn't care less. If he seeks power legitimately, I couldn't care less. If he goes around killing or torturing innocent people, I'll kill him. Oh, and the next time I see you, I'm killing you. I've declared you anathema."

Malfoy just started his customary sneer when Harry banished him out of the courtroom with a flick of his finger. Without so much as a motion, Harry willed the doors shut as the sound of Malfoy crashing into the wall was heard. "Notice he didn't deny anything. Oh, and Fudge? I just saw he spilled those Galleons he was going to pay you off with. You might want to go scurry along and help him pick them up before he goes crawling back to his master without paying you. As for the rest of you? Fuck off!" And with that, Harry disapparted, which should have been impossible from so deep within the Ministry.

To say that Harry had left chaos behind would be a huge understatement. Only Amelia Bones seemed to have enjoyed the scene.

Harry went first to The Daily Prophet (where Harry bought a full- page ad with his announcements, so that his side would come out as he wanted it) and then, to the younger Harry's surprise, to The Quibbler, where he gave out a fairly full version of what had happened in the courtroom. 'We aren't going to Ollivander's?' young Harry then asked.

'No,' older Harry replied. 'If we're going back to Grimmauld Place, we need to go now, before Dumbledore manages to get there, and then to Gringotts. Or, we can go straight to Gringotts.'

Younger Harry thought about that, knowing that it was up to him. 'Can't we go back late tonight, when everyone's asleep? Just to get Hedwig and leave some notes?' It was clear that older Harry needed to tell him things -- that younger Harry could sense, but couldn't yet get a firm grasp of any details.

'Very well,' older Harry thought as he apparated to the private apparation area of Gringotts. "I need to see Ragnok, Drossfill, and Griphook, Friend Oretoe." The goblin, Oretoe registered surprise, as Harry was both speaking Gobbledegook and knew the goblin's name, although as far as Oretoe knew, the two had never seen each other. "I also need someplace private to wait, where no wizard or witch will see me."

"Very well, Mister Potter," Oretoe replied in English.

It took Harry just forty-five frenzied minutes to set his financial affairs in the order he wanted them. Then he went down to the vaults. He bypassed the vault younger Harry had had access for to get ready cash, made a brief stop at the family vault, and then went down to the First Vaults.

'We're related to Gryffindor'? younger Harry asked, for vaults 2 through 5 were the Founders' Vaults. "We're the Heir?"

"Yes, although there are some more branches off in North America,' older Harry replied. 'Mother came from a branch of the Hufflepuff family, although there were three generations of Squibs before her. Also, Riddle accidentally made us a magical heir to Slytherin. With his new body, he's not a blood heir any longer, so we have equal status with him. Touching the vaults gives us power over artifacts magically protected by those three followers. The only dangerous Horcrux, to us, will be the healing jewel inside of Nagini, which belonged to Ravenclaw. We'll touch her vault and see if anything happens this time. In addition, we can claim a Head of Family ring for the Potter branch of the Gryffindor clan as well as a ring showing us to be the head of the Gryffindor clan -- the vaults will provide them. Riddle turned the Head of Slytherin ring into a Horcrux. We'll claim that as well when we break the Horcrux. We can also claim a membership ring from the Hufflepuff vault and as I said we'll ask the Ravenclaw vault to accept us as a magical heir.'

'Okay. And this first vault?'

'It's called 'Merlin's vault', not that he ever used it. Still, it does have some of his relics. Two of which we are going to claim.'

'We can get in?"

'We're both the first wizard powerful enough to succeed since Gryffindor and Ravenclaw set it up, and we're not Dark. Therefore, we can get in.' Older Harry smirked. "Dumbledore was powerful enough to talk the vault, but was refused entry. Riddle was knocked on his skinny arse when he asked."

'And we're claiming what, exactly?'

'Merlin's third favorite wand and his second favorite staff. As I said, a basically light wizard of at least my old power can get in. That's why Dumbledore couldn't, although it at least talked with him. It wouldn't speak to Riddle, it just rejected him.'

Ignoring all the other treasures in Merlin's vault, Harry picked up a wand and a staff. 'Each is oak, with a phoenix feather -- Fawkes', as it happens. There is also a griffin feather in both, and one from a fwooper, of all things, in the staff. Therefore, our wand will work against Voldemort's, but his will not work against ours.' Young Harry smiled, and the fact that both had small emeralds on the ends which matched his eyes also amused him.

'Here's the plan,' older Harry said. 'The cottage at Godric's Hollow was never restored. There is an older Potter Manor, late Fifteenth century, looking like a cross between a stone late medieval manor and an early Tudor construction, about a mile further into the woods from the cottage. There should be two house elves there, although both are past merely elderly. We can bring in Dobby and Winky to help. Then, after we put it under the Fidelius, I'm going to set up some monitoring spells on Grimmauld Place. We'll drop by in a few days. In the mean time, we assimilate into one Harry.'

'I like it,' younger Harry said. 'Anything else?'

'We also have to stop and get some extensive potions ingredients, and don't worry. We're a lot better than Snape ever gave us credit for.'

Conversation transcription from one of Harry's spells, from the kitchen of #12 Grimmauld Place.

Snape: . . . . not believe that . . . that boy could think of anything like this. He must have been helped and coached!"

Dumbledore "By whom, Severus? I assure you, up until the time that spell hit him, he had no inkling of what was about to happen. What ever group did this. . . ."

Sirius: "Group?"

Arthur Weasley: "Most of the magical monitoring equipment in the Ministry was melted, and the others went off the scale and have had to be recalibrated. That much raw power in one person would be unheard of."

Dumbledore: "Even if three powerful wizards had drained themselves of magic, they could not have caused that sort of reaction."

Molly Weasley: "The poor boy."

Remus: "I'm not so certain about that."

Snape: "Is your mind still addled from last night's change? How could it not be bad?"

Remus: "Bad that Harry declared his independence?"

Dumbledore: "That was not Harry."

Sirius: "We don't know that. For all we know, someone took temporary possession of Harry to give him the options we always wanted him to have."

Snape: "You're as crazed as your animal."

Sirius: "Shut it, Sniv. This is none of your business! And no offense, Molly, but it's not yours, either. I'm Harry's appointed guardian, even if I can't exercise it since I was illegally sent to Azkaban. Ignoring that, Remus is the only person who should legally have ever had ANY say in what happened to Harry. Were you even asked?"

Remus: "I was shipped off to Bulgaria before the funeral! I still haven't been able to get access to the wills!"

Snape: "If it was you two who somehow. . . ."

Sirius and Remus: "Shut it!"

Dumbledore: "We must find Harry and see what can be done to free him from whatever happened to him, if it is still in possession of him. Once that is done, we can see about undoing the damage. . . ."

Sirius: "Wrong. Harry is now legally an adult."

Remus: "And even if Sirius can't come out and fight you in public, I can, and will."

Sirius: "See your selves out. Soon."

Snape: "You ought to do something about those two." Arthur Weasley: "I don't know who's right here, but don't be precipitous, Headmaster. Good night."

Molly: "Good night."

Dumbledore: "Good evening." Pause. "Find Harry, Severus. Quickly."

Snape: "And?"

Dumbledore: "Bring him to me. I hope I need not add I want him as unharmed as possible."

Snape: "Very well."

This is one of several stories I've been working on, where I have many elements in common (time-travel, Harry's ideas, how wizarding Britain operates, etc.) yet change a few and play with the results. This was actually the second of the 4 stories I started, with Triwizard Redux the last. Some of the speeches explaining the background therefore remain the same. What has changed is the time Harry showed up, a bit of his background, and the addition of the sexual twist which makes this NC-17.

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