Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Sleeping Dragon Wakes

A very busy day...

by AncientzDream

Snape has a bad day, Harry learns some new things and Dobby goes shopping...among other things...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Dobby, Dumbledore, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Lupin, Neville, Peter, Ron, Snape, Voldemort - Published: 2006-05-11 - Updated: 2006-05-12 - 7304 words

Disclaimer: The Potterverse belongs to JKR. I make no money.



:: mental conversations ::

Letters, etc

July 4th, # 4 Privet Drive

"Does Master have any other letters for Dobby?"

"No, I think that's everything for now. You have the book list, right?"

"Dobby is having it, Master Harry."

"Okay. Just get those letters out and get to Gringotts. I'd really like to know what sort of assets I have to work with in
case I need to drop out of sight." Sighing expressively, the young wizard shook his head as if to clear it. "And I would
really appreciate you getting those books for me."

"Dobby is getting what you require!" Vanishing with a soft 'pop', the little elf left his master alone to his thoughts.

Chuckling mirthlessly once Dobby was gone, Harry shook his head again and looked around the small room he was coming to
recognize as being little better than a prison cell in Azkaban.

"Who doesn't trust whom, eh? Who did you talk into doing your dirty work for you this time?"

Contemplating Dumbledore's latest offence against him with a growing sense of disgust, Harry let out a shuddery breath,
thinking hazing slightly as grief rushed up through the cracks in ever more degraded memory charms and old spell work.

"Why'd you have to die, Sirius? I need your help...and because of me, you're gone..."

Silent tears made glistening tracks over his cheeks and wracking sobs shook his slender frame.

July 4th, A remote area in Ireland

"I have several stops to make before I return to London for my Cub's birthday, so I will take my leave, Gregor. Is there
anything in particular the Council wishes me to seek out?"

"Pursue your curiosity regarding Dumbledore's voting history," the elder lycanthrope suggested. "And cautiously begin feeling
out any other groups who may support our cause, most especially so if the Chosen Child offers us a fourth side, an
alternative to what we have already been...offered."

Nodding his understanding, Remus sighed and looked up into the rapidly darkening storm clouds that were gathering above them.

"They are like this war," he mused unhappily. "Those storm clouds came as if without warning, yet I know they have been
brewing somewhere for quite some time. The conditions had to be just right for them to develop this way out of a perfectly
peaceful sky. Fifteen years ago, we all believed our peace was assured, that it would last forever. Hell, even a scarce few
months ago we still lived under that blissful illusion, but here we are, preparing to weather another war, this one potentially
worse than the last..."

"Nature, the universe itself, abhors a vacuum, Remus. The Dark One's fall left a void, a surplus of light and not near enough
Darkness to fill it. So now, Nature is working to restore the balance."

"Somehow that worries me more than the Dark One. Nature's ways are rarely kind."

"She is a harsh Mother," Gregor agreed, thoughts focused on the coming storm.

July 4th, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Raising his gaze from the most current edition of his favorite potions journal, Severus Snape picked up a snifter of Brandy
and gazed into the amber liquid, a slight smile curving his lips. Inhaling the warmth of the alcohol's scent, he took a drink and savoured it's rich, smooth flavour. Sighing contentedly, he relaxed further into his seat.

The past week had been as close to idyllic as he dared to hope for himself. Those dunderheads that people insisted on calling
children were gone and would not be returning until the beginning of September and Albus was away from the castle for
Wizengamut meetings and other Ministry duties. He had the place mostly to himself and he liked it that way. Life was good.

"Hell, even the Dark Lord has left me in peace lately," he mused aloud and took another drink of his brandy. At that moment,
Murphy decided it was time to enact his Law, and a sharp burning pain startled the Death Eater turned spy. Dropping the glass
from his hand, Severus clutched at his left forearm and cursed viciously. Stalking to the cloak closet, he snatched out a
rather distinctive set of robes and checked the inner pocket to make sure his mask was in its place. Assured of its presence,
he made haste for the Apparition point just outside Hogwart's gates.

July 4th, Courtroom # 1, Ministry of Magic

Watching over the Wizengamut Chamber from his place on high, the Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump made careful note of forming alliances and burgeoning conflicts, twinkling blue eyes missing nothing he considered important. Nodding and twinkling at the titled gentry around him, lulling them all with his grandfatherly appearance, he played the political game like the gifted chess master that he was.

New pieces of legislation were introduced for preliminary review, but he paid the speakers little mind. He would receive a
copy of the transcript once the session was over and would review it at his leisure once he returned to Hogwarts that
evening. He perked up when the Potter proxy came forward to propose a bit of legislation he had suggested and nurtured.

"Greetings, m'lords," the soft spoken wizard began, gaze flicking briefly to Dumbledore before he resumed his introduction.

"I have new legislation to introduce for consideration. Law 2460, articles one through six, sections all, relates to the
early emancipation of minor wizards under the ancient laws, or more specifically it moves to prevent such actions. The
intention behind this law is to protect our children and our future from the rash actions of irresponsible youth. We were all
young once, m'lords, and we knew everything at the time. Now that we are all more seasoned, we know that we knew nothing of
what we needed to properly make our way in the world before we were of age."

"What are the age restrictions?" One Lord questioned.

"Seventeen will still be acknowledged as the proper coming of age in our world, m'lord, but the clauses that allowed for
early emancipation are being circumvented, allowing for proper maturity before a young Lord or Lady takes on the reins of
family duty."

"Are there to be no exceptions to this ruling?"

"In the very rare instance that an heir of a terminating line of inheritance has capably completed their O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S. with no less than an Acceptable on all attempted tests is one such exception that the Ministry would be willing to
acknowledge, Baron Nott."

"Only an Acceptable? Shouldn't we at least expect an Exceeds Expectations from the best and brightest of our upcoming young
Lords and Ladies?" Albus' tone was full of gentle reproach and it had the desired effect. Though several members of the
Wizengamut squirmed uncomfortably, the motion was seconded and the law was set for consideration and would be voted upon
during the August session.

A proper education is important, after all, he noted to himself in a smug tone. And this covers several bases in
regards to a certain muggle born wizard I know.

July 4th, Unplottable Location

Voldemort contemplated his reflection in the mirror and shook his head with a sound of disgust.

"This is unacceptable, this state I have reduced myself to."

He looked down at Nagini when she rubbed her coils against his calf with the sinuous grace only a snake could manage without
undue effort.

/Hello, Nagini, my darling. Have you anything to report?/

/Your servants are restless. They are uncertain of your recent moods, more so than usual,/ the large cobra hissed in reply.
/I am pleased by the return of your mind, nestling. You have been strange these last few weeks.../

/It's been far too long since my thoughts were this clear,/ the Dark Lord admitted to the only confidante he had. //I lost
myself and I still don't know why it took so long to come back.//

/The other Speaker hurt you,/ Nagini hissed angrily. /Let me hurt him back for you, nestling./

/No, not yet, my darling,/ Voldemort mused. //We are tightly bound, he and I. As he is, his strength is no match for mine,
but as he grows stronger, I grow stronger. Let my little Serpent enjoy his time of calm before the storm.//

/If you wish it,/ the snake agreed grudgingly and glided over to the hearth. //But I do not like this bond you have with
the other Speaker. He is not your nest mate or hatchling...he is an egg-breaker...//

Straightening his dressing robe and belting it more securely, Voldemort walked over and sat down in his favorite chair by the
fire, hands stroking the warmed scales of is familiar once she had slithered up to coil on his lap.

/I will kill my little Serpent when the time is right, my darling. Do not worry yourself about him. He doesn't have what it takes to break up my nest./

The part of Voldemort that was still very much Tom Riddle, the part that was drawing him ever closer to sanity, was uneasy
with that statement and remembered the pain of being ripped from his body when his Avada Kedavra rebounded off of an
insignificant toddler and more recently recalled the terror of seeing the soul bond that was twined so thickly between
himself and 'his little Serpent'. What if your nest is already broken? he mused to himself. What if you simply
can't see it yet? The young Serpent is freeing himself from the Old Man's bondage...when he does, can you predict which way
he will choose to strike?

The Dark Lord shook off the unwanted train of thought and returned to stroking Nagini in an attempt to calm himself.

/I have not spent as much time with you as I should./

/You are forgiven for being busy, nestling./ Nagini relaxed into the warmth of the fire and the pleasure of her Master's
touch for several minutes before speaking again. /What has you so out of sorts today? It is something else./

//It is this thing I have turned myself into. I can barely stand to look at myself. Admittedly, I have little trouble cowing
even the bravest of my Death Eaters with this face, but I would have my true appearance restored.//

/So command the one who dwells in the cave of bubbling pots. Can he not make you whole?/

Chuckling a bit over Nagini's fairly accurate description of the potions lab, Voldemort contemplated the suggestion, and then

/It is a possibility and if anyone can brew the potions I require, it would be Severus Snape./ Lifting his still coiled
familiar, he stood and placed her on the hearth rug with gentle care. //Enjoy the heat, my darling. I have things to attend

/Of course, nestling./

Stalking out, the Dark Lord bellowed for his most faithful follower.


July 4th, Gringotts

Dobby 'popped' to the steps outside of Gringotts and made his way inside to find the goblin his Master had requested. Gaining
the attention of an unoccupied teller after a short wait in line, the elf declared himself.

"I is needing to speak to Griphook. My Master is telling me to ask for hims."

The teller shrugged indifferently, scribbled a note on a scrap of parchment and dropped it in his out box, where it promptly
vanished. The elf wore no family crest, so it couldn't be that pressing, he mused.

"Griphook will be up shortly. Please move to the side until he calls for you."

"Dobby is thanking you." Bouncing off to the side as instructed, the elf settled in to wait.

Griphook made his way up to the lobby in answer to a curt and curiosity inspiring summons. Entering the lobby, he spotted the
lone house elf his clansman had referred to.

"You requested Griphook?"

"Oh yes, Master Goblin! My master sent me to ask for you. Hims says yous was kind to him and hims never forgot." Dobby held
out the letter he'd been clutching. "My Master needs yous help..."

"Follow me. I believe my office would be more appropriate." Leading the way through several twisting corridors, the goblin
finally entered a small office and gestured for the elf to sit while he sat down behind his desk. Opening he letter, his eyes
widened a little more the further on he read.


I doubt you remember me, but you made a definite impression on an eleven year old novice to the wizarding world. Now, five
years later, I fear I am barely more prepared than that novice and I hope you can help me again.

My house elf needs to be able to handle my business errands for me, as I am forbidden to leave my relative's home. I do
not have possession of my vault key and do not know who does have it in hand, as it was taken from me several years ago on
Head Master Dumbledore's order.

Besides acquiring access to my funds, I am also in need of an account statement, something I have never received. If there
is any correspondence from Gringotts that I should be aware of, please send it back with my elf so that I may be brought up
to date on what is expected of me in my interactions with your people and the bank.

Any assistance that you or your fellow goblins can provide is greatly appreciated.

In your debt,

Harry James Potter

Shocked that a wizard remembered him after one meeting, Griphook's face took on a grim expression, his gaze focused on the name of the wizard in question.

"Please wait here. I must speak to my manager about specific options that may be available to your Master. There is also
paperwork I need to retrieve. It will allow us to confirm his identity without requiring his presence at this time..."

Nodding his understanding, Dobby wrung his hands nervously none the less. The look on the goblin's face was not a happy look.

"Dobby is thanking you, Master Griphook."

July 4th, Unplottable Location

Prostrating himself before the Dark Lord, Severus kissed the hem of his Master's robe and held himself still while clearing
his mind of extraneous thought and strengthening his Occulemency shields. He hated being alone with Voldemort. It gave the
gifted Legilimens far too much time to focus entirely on the thoughts and behaviour of his wayward spy into the camp of the

"How may I serve you, my Lord?"

"Ah, eager as always, I see. That is good, Ssseverusss. Very good." Voldemort studied the back of the potion master's head
for a long moment before cutting to the chase. "What potions do you know of that would restore my appearance?"

"Cosmetically or actual full restoration, my Lord?" Thinking quickly, Severus compiled a list of potions that would meet
both requirements. The list was woefully short and he felt certain that his master was already aware of them.

"Ever the wily Slytherin, my servant. Full restoration, of course. If I wanted a cosmetic fix, I would simply use Glamourie
charms and be done with it."

"Of course, my Lord. I know of only a few potions, most notably the Recreo Primaevus Draught, the Expurgo Corporeus Draught
and the De-Aging Potion. I have most of the components, but I would need to acquire the rarer ones to ensure freshness and

Pleased by his potion master's ready response and the unexpected addition of the de-aging potion, Voldemort nodded his

"Beyond the obvious purpose, why suggest the de-aging potion?"

"Reversing the effects of age in wizards often entails a simple renewal and revitalization of the flesh, which is in part my
Lord's request. It may not give you a significantly younger appearance, but I believe it will assist the other potions in
doing their work. Overall, I believe you will be pleased with the results."

"Go then, and do not fail me in this task, Severus."

"It will be as you say, my Lord," Severus murmured and Disapparated away.

July 4th, Gringotts

"Chieftain Ragnok? Oc Dager Griphook claims urgent news," Shethrock stated. "Should I send him away?"

"Send him in. I will deal with him if his news is without consequence," Ragnok stated and sat back to wait for the younger
goblin's arrival.

Bowing deeply to his chieftain, Griphook held himself still until the elder goblin deigned to acknowledge his presence. A
quiet grunt signalled his reprieve and he straightened.

"The Chosen Child's house elf is in my office, Sheklac. He brought a most disturbing letter..."

Taking the parchment from Griphook, Ragnok bent his head to read the young wizard's plea for help. That the wizard was
appealing to the goblins and not his own kind was a point the elder goblin could not ignore, especially given the boy's
position in their future. Goblin Seers rarely foresaw events relating to other species, but when they did, all goblins took
them seriously.

"Put together a full statement of Lord Potter's account and gather together the books written by our last Goblin Friend while the elf gets his master's signature authenticated. Also, dictate a letter requesting Lord Potter's presence for a private
reading of the Potter and Black wills. At least he is cunning enough to find ways around the controls Dumbledore has placed
on him." Ragnok sighed heavily.

"Once the elf returns, give him the statements, books and letter for Lord Potter and assign a mail pouch to the young Lord so
he can receive his official Gringotts mail without hassle."

"What method of money handling would you prefer I offer, Sheklac?"

"A money pouch keyed to the elf and one keyed to Lord Potter through his signature authentication parchment."

"I will complete everything to your specifications, Sheklac. Thank you for this audience." Griphook bowed deeply to the elder
war leader.

"You showed good sense, Oc Dager Griphook. Since you have the young Lord's trust, I am appointing you as his account manager.
Do not prove me wrong."

"Thank you, Sheklac! I will not fail you!"

Dobby looked up when Griphook returned with a sealed roll of parchment, his large eyes full of curiosity as he accepted it
from him.

"I am needing to take this to my master?"

"Have your master read through the parchment and sign it in the indicated box at the bottom. Next to the signature box is an
authentication square. He will need to place three drops of blood within the square. Return here and I will handle the rest
of Lord Potter's requests."

"Thank you, Mister Griphook! Dobby will be coming back shortly."

July 4th, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Apparating back to the location he had left such a short time ago, Severus shed the Death Eater robes and mask, sighed his
relief and began the walk back up to Hogwarts. If he was in luck, Albus would still be gone and he'd have time for at least
one stiff shot of Brandy before he had to give his report to the old man.

Luck was with him and he had time to properly savour two full snifters of his favourite alcohol while contemplating the fact
that he had escaped this meeting without punishment, something he rarely recalled happening even with visits as short as this
one had been. The detector he had set to let him know when Albus was in the castle chimed then settled into a pale glow and
he reluctantly rose to go speak to the Head Master.

Settling into his poufy chair, Albus ordered tea from the house elf who appeared at his call, then stretched with a low groan.
Smiling a little as his back relaxed, he contemplated the irony of having the Potter proxy offer up the legislation that
would put a stop to the move that he was certain Sirius Black had planned in his will - the emancipation of one Harry James

"Not on my watch," he murmured and poured a cup of tea once it appeared.

A glance at his desk showed Severus to be on his way out of the dungeons, causing the Head Master to arch an eyebrow

"Now that's curious. I wonder why the dear boy is willingly crawling out of his hole during the first week of
the summer."

"He was summoned by You-Know-Who a short while ago," stated head Master Dippet from his portrait. "The young man wasn't gone
very long for once. Might have been a false alarm."

"Tom doesn't do false alarms," Albus mused quietly. "I am most curious what the boy has to report this time."

Arriving before the stone gargoyle that guarded the entrance to the Head Master's office, Severus sneered at the great beast.
"Snicker's bars," he growled and rode the revolving stairs up and walked in before Albus could even finish calling to him.
"Albus," he muttered curtly, nodded a greeting and took his usual seat.

"My word, Severus! What has you in such a foul temper? Would you care for tea? Lemon drop?"

"Tea would be good. Thank you," Severus murmured and accepted the proffered cup with full knowledge that it was probably
laced with a calming draught. Right now, he felt like he needed it, so he ignored it.

"The Dark Lord summoned me alone less than an hour ago and requested the potions necessary to restore his body to its proper state."

"Do you have any idea what prompted this sudden desire to correct the damage he's done to himself?"

"He has been strangely quiet since the events last year, when he regained his body at Little Hangleton," Severus mused.
"Merlin, but it's been harder than ever to understand what he wants and expects from us! At one meeting he would sound
completely clear headed and rational, then at the next he'll be back to using the cruciatus for the slightest hint of wrong
doing." The dark wizard sighed expressively.

"You know all of this already. Today was the first summons I have received since the events at the Ministry, so I can only
guess that he was gravely injured by his encounter with you. He was quite lucid today, quite rational and let me go with
nothing more than a verbal threat to not fail him."

Nodding to acknowledge that he had heard what the younger man had to say, Albus tapped his steepled fingers against his chin
and contemplated this latest tidbit of news.

"What potions does he require from you?"

"The Recreo Primaevus Draught, Expurgo Corporeus Draught and the De-Aging Potion."

"Merlin's Beard," Albus breathed. "Those are old and powerful restoratives. Will you even be able to complete them? Tom is
no slacker when it comes to potions."

"He would know if I made them improperly and will likely make them himself as well, just in case I do make an error," Severus
grudgingly admitted. "Other than vanity, I can see no purpose to his request."

"Ah, but vanity is a powerful motivator, Severus. Perhaps there is someone he wishes to openly pursue? If that were the case,
he would want to look his best. Of course, it is more likely that he has some other motivation in mind."

Unable to picture the Dark Lord pursuing the favour of some pure blooded witch, Severus opted to believe in an ulterior motive that neither of them had considered as of yet.

"I will see what I can find out. As it stands, I have some travelling to do to obtain all of the necessary ingredients for
the three potions. I must at least give the impression that I am carrying through with his wishes."

"Actually, it may be in our best interests for you to do so to the best of your ability, my boy. The Expurgo Corporeus
Draught is very powerful and may well undo some of the darker modifications he has made to himself and he may have a definite
period of recovery from the whole restoration process. This could very well be the opening we have been looking for."

Twinkle at full blast, Albus smiled at the surly potion master. "Now, why don't you go back to enjoying your solitude and
your brandy for a day or so before you head out to go ingredient hunting?"

"I had every intention of doing exactly that, Albus."

July 4th, # 4 Privet Drive

Dobby popped into his master's bedroom after a quick stop at Hogwarts to prepare a large lunch for the overly thin teenager.
He took one look at the young wizard and sighed softly. He had clearly cried himself to sleep over something and the little
elf felt helpless to protect his beloved master from these pains.

"Master Harry, please be waking up. Dobby has lunch for yous and forms from Gringotts."

Stirring, Harry wiped at his face reflexively and sat up with a groan. Putting his glasses back on, he breathed in deeply and

"That smells great, Dobby. Thanks. I'll eat once I look over the papers. How did it go?"

"Mister Griphook was very helpful, Master Harry. He gave Dobby a card so all yous business comes to hims and sent these papers so
the goblins can gets yous key back and let Dobby shop for yous." Handing the roll of parchment over, the elf waited patiently
for Harry to read through it.

Reading the document through carefully, Harry was grateful for and surprised by how straightforward and simple the overall
text was. He had honestly expected something only a lawyer could understand. Taking it over to his desk, he signed the document, then looked around with a frown.

"I need a sharp knife. This thing requires blood, too." A snap of his companion's fingers and Harry was looking at his
potions knife. "I always forget I have this thing. Thanks, Dobby."

"Griphook was saying it needs just three drops, Master Harry."

Cutting his finger just enough to draw blood, the young wizard nodded at the house elf and carefully let three drops of blood
fall into the square at the bottom of the parchment. The parchment suddenly rolled itself up and the seal mended itself,
causing Harry to yip in surprise.

"Is that normal?"

"Oh yes," Dobby assured him and healed his finger with a small burst of magic. "Magical parchments can be made to do that.
Dobby will go finish errands. You is to be eating and Dobby will be back with yous dinner later tonight."

"Yes, Mom," Harry teased gently. "Go on. Don't spend too much. I'll eat. I promise."

July 4th, The Burrow

"Are you writing to Harry?"

Hermione looked up at Ginny and smiled at the petite red head.

"It's just the beginnings of what we've been finding out about the things in his letter. I have one ready for when Dobby
comes back around, though. How about you?"

"I wrote a quick note out last night before I went to bed. It's easier to keep track that way." The younger girl sighed. "I'm
scared, 'Mione...what if we all have been Obliviated or worse? What do we do? Can we trust Healer Monroe to really help us?"

"Ron seems to feel comfortable with him, so I'm willing to give him something of a benefit of a doubt." Squeezing her friend's hand comfortingly, Hermione smiled a little.

"I'm nervous, too. It's scary as hell for me to think that any one of us may have had our memories or behaviours altered. I
mean, look at what an unskilled Obliviate did to Neville. I don't blame you for being scared, but we have to know, Ginny. We
have to know if someone has done this to us, and if they have, then we have to try to fix it."

Ginny nodded and hugged the older witch fiercely before stepping back with a cheeky grin.

"Now, missy bookworm. Put away that quill and parchment and go put on your swimsuit. It's a great day and Luna and the boys
are already down at the pond."

Grinning, Hermione complied readily and headed up to the room she shared with Ginny to change clothes.

July 4th, Gringotts, Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley

Griphook took the signed parchment to the appropriate department and retrieved the account statements, letter and books he
had been ordered to provide. Placing everything into a bottomless, weight reducing satchel, he returned to his office and met the house elf's open gaze.

"This satchel will hold most of your shopping for Lord Potter. I have already placed his account statements, some
correspondence and several books that he may find enlightening inside it."

He placed a smaller bag on the desk. "This is a money bag. Tell it the amount you need and it will fill itself accordingly up
to 100 galleons at a time. Place your hand on the bag so that I can key it to you. It has already been keyed to Lord Potter."

"Thank you Mister Griphook." Placing his hand on the bag as directed, Dobby felt a tingle of magic and drew the bag into his
lap. "Is there anything Dobby is needing to tell Master Harry immediately?"

"Just make sure he reads his correspondence before he gets lost in the books and statements," Griphook requested. "There is
nothing that he has to respond to immediately, however. I am at your master's disposal, so please come to me if there is
anything I can do to help him."

"Dobby will tell him yous were very kind and helpful, Mister Griphook. I have much to do for him yet today."

Finally done with his master's business at Gringotts, Dobby bounced down Diagon Alley to Flourish and Bott's for the more
common books on his list, stopped at the Stationary shop to buy more parchment, ink and quills, then went into Eeylop's Owl
Emporium to purchase owl treats for Hedwig.

Pausing to go over his list of things to do, Dobby nodded to himself and headed for Knockturn Alley and the shops that he
knew would contain the rarer and more questionable items he would need to fulfill Harry's requests.

For once, he was glad he had once been the house elf to a bad master - knowing what his bad master did and had taught his son
meant that Dobby could make sure the great Harry Potter could defend himself from other bad wizards. Seeing the store front
for Borgin and Burkes, he scuttled in with a suddenly cowed air about him.

"Mister Borgin...master is sending me to pick up hims things. Hims is wanting them now," he forced out, eyes wide and scared
looking. Wringing his hands, he moaned when the older wizard frowned at him. "Please, Mister Borgin. If Master doesn't get
his things, master will punish…”

"I thought Malfoy was still in Azkaban," Borgin muttered at the cowering house elf. "You say he wants the things he ordered?"

"Master is home. Master is wanting what he ordered. Hims is very angry still...hims will punish..."

"Oh shut your snivelling! Good thing he already paid or I'd have sold the stuff already as it is." Growling to himself about
whiny elves and over bearing, stuck up nobles, Mr. Borgin snatched up the shrunken crate labelled with Lucius Malfoy's name and brought it out to the elf. A stack of books was waiting for him on the counter when he turned to look at it.

"What's this?"

"More books for the young Master, Mr. Borgin..."

"Oh, very well. That'll be 100 galleons." Taking the money with a greedy glint in his eye, Mr. Borgin watched the cowering creature place the loose books in a satchel, then toddle away with the shrunken package. "Crazy beast. Never understood why he keeps that elf around. It's completely nutters."

Grinning wickedly, Dobby made a few more quick stops in little known and rarely visited shops, the last of which was a junk
shop where he acquired a solid handful of wands. His master was vulnerable without a wand, so he was certain to make sure he
found him a wand. Feeling quite good about his shopping trip, especially after having removed who knows what dark artefacts
from the bad wizard's control, Dobby dropped off the rest of Harry's correspondence and popped over to Hogwart's to make
dinner before returning to his Master's side.

July 4th, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"The brat couldn't possibly stay docile forever, Albus. He's a bloody teenager!" Severus pointed out with an unhappy sneer.
He'd been having such a lovely evening after the earlier interruption and now he was stuck entertaining Albus again. He
couldn't wait for morning when he had to leave on his hunt for potions ingredients. "I can see that he is trouble. Why can't
you see what I see?"

"Harry will be what he was born to be and nothing more, Severus. He knows the prophecy.” The aged headmaster sighed
expressively, blue eyes hard behind his half moon spectacles. "Despite everything, he is a weapon of the Light. Everything I
do is done to ensure that does not change. We need him to kill Voldemort."

"I am curious what our plans for the Potter brat are." Severus drawled his comment, obsidian eyes glittering maliciously.
"That is assuming, of course, that the little fool survives the Summer. I don't see how you expect him to complete that task,
personally. Are you so certain he is the chosen one of the prophecy?"

Dumbledore chuckled softly, the sound not comforting in the least. Twinkle at full blast, he tapped his steepled fingers on
his chin and debated on how to answer.

"Amazing what dumb luck will allow you to survive, is it not? I am surprised that he has survived this long my self, quite
honestly." He frowned. "He is the one. How else could he have survived a killing curse?" Contemplating the dark wizard in the
seat across from him, Albus smiled a bit. "We will deal with each event as it comes and concern ourselves with the end of the
war once we get there."

A third, rough and raspy voice cut in to their conversation before Severus could reply to the Head Master's statements.
"All this talk of your supposed 'greater good' is fine and dandy for you, Head Master, but it means nothing in the grand
scheme of things."

Eyeing the Sorting Hat warily, Severus felt a growing sense of rightness. Something was about to shift the balance and it was
going to happen soon.

"Is there a new prophecy?" he inquired cautiously.

"Indeed there is." The battered old hat smiled and nodded, or so it seemed. "There is something you have not considered about
the old prophecy beyond that fact that it does not in any way state that the defeater of the Dark Lord must be Light."

Albus' twinkle dimmed considerably. It was true – he had always assumed that his weapon would be lily white.
"But he's a Potter, from a centuries old line of Light could he be anything but Light?"

"Sirius Black was a Grey wizard from an equally long line of Dark wizards," Severus mused, his disdain for the other man
still evident in his tone. "The history of the line does not preclude the occasional odd man out, as it were and Dark does
not have to mean evil in any case."

"Very good, Severus Snape. Ten points to Slytherin!" The hat beamed as it complimented the Head of Slytherin. The ancient
artefact then managed to actually look secretive and shifty despite being a hat.

"I won't allow Harry to go Dark," Albus declared firmly.

"Only young Mr. Potter can make that decision, Albus. Remember my warning and do not over estimate yourself."

"You said there was a new prophecy, Alistor. What is it?"

"There are numerous new prophecies given on a regular basis. I am sure you are resourceful enough to find whichever ones may
apply to your own sticky little problems." Alistor promptly settled and went still, all appearances of life lost.

July 4th, # 4 Privet Drive

Harry ate his dinner and watched Dobby unload stacks of books out of a deceptively small satchel. Eyes widening at the sheer
quantity of books, he shook his head in silent bemusement. A metal banded crate that reeked of dark magic was resized to its
full size and he really started to get nervous.

"Um, much did you spend and where did you get all of this stuff?"

"Dobby was spending very little, Master Harry. Only 210 galleons." Stymied by a lack of storage space, Dobby frowned. "There is no place for Dobby to be putting yous library."

"Maybe I need a trunk like Mad-Eye, one of those multi-compartment things," Harry mused, then choked when Dobby opened the crate and the seductive feel of dark magic washed out into the small room. "Maybe I need it now. Dobby! Who's on duty right

A quick set of pops and the elf reappeared.
"Missy Tonks is watching, Master Harry."

"I need that trunk now, Dobby. It needs to have more than one compartment and I need it to be charmed so that people like
Moody and Dumbledore can't see into it. If anyone finds out about this stuff, I'll be in deep shit."

"Dobby is getting it, Master Harry!"

Groaning to himself, Harry left his dinner and started looking through everything Dobby had purchased. Finding titles like
'Occulemency: The Fortress of the Mind', 'Moste Potente Potions', 'Rites, Rituals and Beyond', and many more, he shook his head in quiet amazement. Every thing he had asked for and then some was here, and that thought drew him to that tempting
crate of items. Filled with books and items that looked as dark and powerful as they felt, the young wizard shivered after looking in and decided to let those alone for now. He would start on all of this tomorrow once he had a clear head and the security of knowing that his belongings were safe.

July 5th, St. Mungo's & The Ministry of Magic

Locking up his office, Master Healer Octavius Monroe headed for the Floo room and tossed some powder into the fireplace.
Making sure he was alone, he drew on a grey, non-descript cloak and stepped into the fire.

"Ministry of Magic."

Stepping out into the atrium with practiced grace, Octavius approached the security check point with no intention of

Sputtering, the Security Clerk at the Wand Registry Desk started to question the person who had just walked past him, then
paled and returned to his duties once he recognized the cloak.

"Bloody Unspeakables," he breathed and waited for someone else to come along.

More amused than anything, Octavius took the lift down to the deepest level of the Ministry, where it opened onto a small
foyer and a black basalt door that was covered in runic symbols. Approaching the door, he paused when he felt the warning of
the wards.

"Ordo Aeternum," he murmured and stepped through.

"Isn't it a bit late for you to be coming in this evening, Octavius?" teased a remarkably delicate and harmless looking young woman.

"I need to review some files. This case I'm working is far more complex than any of us anticipated." Shedding his cloak, the
Healer draped the garment over an empty chair and settled at his desk.

"The Weasley boy? Have you actually found something useful about the Brains?"

"That has actually become secondary to a much more important matter, but yes, I believe I may have found something about the
Brains. The young man was a gifted strategist prior to the attack, but now he seems to have a sense of...multiple possibilities on his own personal timeline. It's remarkable and quite unsettling for young Mr. Weasley."

"And your oh, so pressing issue?" The woman arched one finely arched, dark eyebrow at him and smirked, sea green eyes
glittering with amusement.

"My current concern involves the Ministry six as a group." Octavius sighed quietly. "It's a primed powder keg of a cluster
fuck, Mina."

"How so?" Mina frowned, eyes darkening with concern. This was clearly eating at the Healer and she felt a need to help.

"It is more than vaguely possible that they have all been Obliviated illegally more than once as a best case scenario and
subjected to behaviour modification spells at the minimal worst."Fuming, the Healer muttered under his breath for several
long moments before finally regaining his composure. A wickedly nasty smirk twisted his mouth.
"If I find that it is true, I will be processing the paper work for legal action."

"Who do you think is responsible? It would have to be someone who had ready access..." Mina trailed off, eyes widening, then
narrowing with obvious disapproval. "You think..."

"It has to be someone at the school and my expectations are running high, if you follow my meaning."

"Sweet Merlin, I hope you're wrong. Something like that would be a massive blow to the morale of the wizarding world."

"Don't worry, Mina. If my suspicions prove to be true, then I will confer with all of the children first. They will probably
agree to leave it alone until the war is over so long as charges are matter how powerful the culprit may be."

"Which files do you need specifically?"

"Potter, Harry James. Weasley, Ronald Billius. Weasley, Ginevra Molly. Granger, Hermione Jane. Lovegood, Luna Wilhemina.
Longbottom, Neville Frank." Letting out a weary sigh, Octavius shook his head at the stack of substantial files that appeared
before him.

"This is going to be a long weekend. I hope we have plenty of tea on hand."

July 5th, # 4 Privet Drive

Reading through the account statements Dobby had retrieved for him confused Harry at first. There was so much information,
so much parchment to go through, that he was quickly getting lost in it. Having minimal experience with financial matters,
and none at all for an estate of this magnitude, he groaned and started separating the parchments out by the individual vault numbers before trying to wade through the numbers yet again.

"Is this right? This can't be right. I have to be reading it wrong or something..."

Smacking himself on the forehead, he looked at the ceiling and shook his head, a vague look of disgust on his face before he
straightened and retrieved a few sheets of blank parchment and a ball point pen.

"Thank you for making me learn to revise properly, 'Mione," he muttered and went through each vault, scribbling notes as he
went, the parchments soon resembling notes for a math class in a muggle school. Finally done looking through the six Potter
family vaults and his trust vault, he sighed tiredly, green eyes focused on the header for each of the main vault statements.

"The Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. No one ever bothered to mention that little tidbit of information."

Taking a deep breath, he returned his attention to the notes he had taken and slowly let out a breath he’d been unaware of

"Bloody hell!" Amazement washed over him as the sheer enormity of eight digits worth of pure monetary value sank in and made
him giddy. Then the anger creeped up on him with all the subtlety of a well hit bludger and his eyes flared brightly.

"You said you'd tell me everything, Dumbledore. What part of everything did you not understand?" he hissed, nearly lapsing
into parseltongue in his angry ranting.


Oc Dager - Goblin for Young Warrior
Sheklac - Goblin for Chieftain

In case anyone is interested, I found a great 'Common to Goblin' translator. Here's the link. Just take out the spaces.

http : / www . coveworld . net eberron / goblin _ translator . html
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