Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the power of Oa

chapter 27: The order of the Phoenix

by bluminous

Dementor Molestor

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009-07-06 - Updated: 2009-07-06 - 8747 words

Harry Potter and the Power of Oa

By: Bluminous

A/N: I don’t own Harry Potter or DC comics.

Chapter 27: The Order of the Phoenix

April 29, London

"The place looks... colorful." Harry observed as he led Kara through the floor and to one of the reserved tables.

Hermione and her parents sat on the other three remaining chairs and smiled at the young chef.

"I just thought you would enjoy this Harry" Emma Granger said. "This is supposed to be the most popular restaurant right now... and I would love to hear your opinion of the food once you taste it."

"Mom... why are there only a few choices on the menu?" Hermione asked.

"It's that way in this restaurant honey." Emma Granger said.

"Hmmm... scallops... steak and Foie gras... then pastries..." Harry read from the menu. "That's going to be heavy on the stomach later, but it sounds nice."

"I would have liked more herbs but I guess I got used to Harry’s cooking.” Kara said as she finished reading the menu.

A waiter started filling up their glasses of water as another placed a bowl full of carrot sticks and dip in the middle of their table. Feeling a bit hungry Harry was about to take a bite when a loud sound interrupted his progress.



Harry immediately turned around and found eight female chefs wearing red aprons and hats listening intently to a scruffy looking man wearing a strange bandana. He noticed the female chefs were very scared of what he assumed was the head chef of this restaurant as most of them kept perfectly still and flinching whenever the man looked at them.

Harry leaned in to listen to the man’s voice, they were lucky that their table was quite near the large kitchen. He noticed that the kitchen was divided into two similar areas and one had red tiles and the other had blue ones.

“Listen to me... trust in me... we will get through this... understand? I will help you.” The man asked gently as he absently fingered a large chopping knife with his thumb.

“Yes MARCO!” The female chefs shouted as they nervously eyed the gleam of the blade.

“Good. Prepare the ingredients then... Good luck girls.” The man said then headed to the other side of the kitchen to address eight male chefs clad in blue hats and aprons.

“Who is that guy?” Kara asked.

“That is Marco Pierre White... and this is Hell’s Kitchen. “ Emma replied as she looked around the restaurant she had seen for countless hours on the telly.

“I’ve heard of that name somewhere before... he’s reputed to be really rude.” Harry replied.

“That’s one way of putting it.” Emma said. “Have you all picked what you want to order?”

The three teenagers nodded since there were so few choices and Dan Granger signaled a nearby waiter that they were ready to have their orders taken. After a moment of writing down their orders that bald waiter scurried of and placed their order in the very middle between the two kitchens were Marco Pierre White stood by eyeing the crowd with an imposing glare.

A few minutes later, all hell broke loose as the various chefs from the red and blue kitchen started shouting at one another. Camera crews followed them while some tried to interview diners of the restaurant. An old man faced the camera and started narrating what was expected of tonight's episode while at the same time adding his own sarcastic jokes that he thought were funny though he only ended up irritating the diners behind him.

“This is crazy!” Harry said as he grinned at Kara. His girlfriend appeared to be enjoying this new experience in dining. As an heir to the Wayne Fortune, Harry had dined in the most exclusive restaurants around the world with his father and their clients, and most of the time Kara was there with him.

“Is it always like this?” Kara asked Mrs. Granger who was literally bouncing in her seat in excitement as she savored the moment.

“It’s always like this here.” Dan Granger answered for his wife. “That Marco bloke pressures these celebrity chefs to deliver the orders, and since they are not really professionally trained cooks, accidents are bound to happen and that’s the entertainment.”

“Like that burning of baked potatoes for instance?” Harry asked as he pointed at where he noticed black smoke was coming out of an oven. Shrieks and cursing were soon heard as the female chefs tried to resolve the situation. Marco smelled trouble literally and stormed into the red kitchen and started cursing and berating the female chefs to the point of tears.

“That’s not good.” Harry commented.

“So Harry, Kara... Hermione tells me that you two have been going steady for a while...” Emma said as she tried to start a conversation while they waited for the food.

“We are.” Harry said as Kara locked her fingers with his under the table.

“And we’re very happy together.” Kara added as she smiled at her boyfriend.

“Have you popped the question yet Harry?” Dan Granger joked as he tried to embarrass the two teens.

“Well we are engaged to be married though there is no set date yet.” Harry said.

Dan Granger coughed on the water he was drinking when he heard the young man’s reply. “But you are both so young!”

“We fell in love Mr. Granger.” Kara said simply.

"What did your parents say Harry?" Dan Granger asked.

"Dad and Mum are happy about it..." Harry said.

"And Harry's grandmother keeps on pressuring us to start a family already." Kara added making Dan Granger to gape at the couple.

“Isn’t that simply romantic Dan?” Emma Granger said.

“Kara, show Mum your ring!” Hermione said to her friend. “She already wears a promise ring mum.”

The young woman obliged and proudly showed her hand to Mrs. Granger. The older woman examined the ring and smiled. “It’s beautiful dear... though I don’t recognize the stone... or the metal”

“It’s one of a kind.” Kara grinned.

Emma smiled in kind as she continued admiring the beautiful ring that has a greenish tinge to it. the green jewel looked as if it glowed with a power of its own. She guessed these kinds of jewelry were the domain of the ultra rich and this was as closed as she could get to these very rare and beautiful work of art. This must have caused a fortune.

The three girls excused themselves and headed to the powder room and after a few minutes of silence Dan Granger took the time to talk to the young man sitting across from him. “Are you sure you’re ready to commit this early Harry?”

The Wayne heir looked at Hermione’s father for a moment. He did not reply immediately but his eyes spotted his Kara walking back to the table.

Dan noticed where the Wayne heir was looking at and he found himself staring at a very beautiful young woman in a silver dress that accompanied his wife and daughter. Mr. Granger did not really notice the young woman until now since he was too busy earlier to beat the London rush hour. The modestly cut but beautiful silver dress clung to the young woman’s body, and even though the girl did not wear make up she was indeed beautiful. She carried the dress well with her natural grace and Dan Granger even noticed a few men looking at her to their dates' irritation.

He looked back at the Wayne heir and grinned when he saw the superior look on the younger man’s face... and in that moment the two men came to an understanding. Dan Granger loved his wife of course and found her beautiful, but if he was young and had a girlfriend as beautiful and devoted as Kara he would also be in a hurry to marry her.

“Now I understand... she’s one of a kind.” Dan whispered just as the women sat on their chairs.

“You have no idea.” Harry said as he looked back at Kara. He knew his girlfriend could hear the private conversation and she rewarded him with a bright smile.


After fifteen minutes of waiting, their food started to arrive. Everyone in their table ordered scallops and hungry from all the waiting, they all bit eagerly into the food.

Harry finished chewing his scallop and took a drink of champagne. Scallops were supposed to be crispy and tender on the inside but what he was eating had the texture of squid. It was overcooked... at least it was edible and the taste was not so bad. He looked up and found most in the table, even Kara staring at him.

“So?” Hermione asked eagerly. “What do you think?”

“It was alright I guess... it had the proper seasoning and all but it was overcooked.” Harry said as he placed his fork down.

“How did you figure that out?” Emma Granger asked. She noticed a producer was trying to listen to their conversation without being too obvious about it.

“Well if you overcook scallops and other sea food like squid or shrimp, they tend to become rubbery as most of the water inside the meat evaporates. The gaps left behind instantly closes making the whole thing hard to eat like this one.” Harry stabbed a piece of scallop and chewed on it.

“A properly cooked scallop should only be chewed twice or three times depending on how hard you chew... not like this.” Harry added as he swallowed.

Emma noticed that the producer was frantically waving a film crew to go near him and she smiled but refrained from informing her young celebrity chef guest.

“How do you know if it’s cooked enough then?” Hermione asked as she chewed on hers. Harry was right, it was very tough to eat.

“The key is in the color...” Harry said. He heard a bustle of a camera crew and ignored it assuming they were running off to interview another diner. “Most seafood, like shrimp, squid and scallops are translucent when freshly caught... that also shows that they’re fresh by the way.” Harry added.

“Go on...” Emma said.

“Well like I said their translucent... when they become opaque, that means their done... like that.” Harry snapped his fingers to emphasize the point on how quick and simple to cook the ingredient.

“Just like that?” Emma asked.

“Just like that.” Harry said, smiling. “It’s simple right? Now if you want to cook it using another method, instantly cook the scallop in high heat. That way the skin would brown quickly and the inside would not overcook... you use the skin of the scallop as the indicator.”

“It sounds so easy when you explain it Harry.” Hermione said. She turned to Kara and smiled. “I’m so envious of you... you have a celebrity chef boyfriend that’s going to cook for you for the whole summer.”

“Well not for the whole summer.” Harry said. “What am I your personal servant?”

“Well... yes.... sweetheart.” Kara pouted as she batted her eyelashes at her boyfriend causing Hermione and her mom to laugh. “Why... you don’t want to cook for me?”

Harry sighed and nodded in defeat... He could never deny Kara anything she desired. “Keep pouting like that honey and I’ll have to kiss your lips.”

“Like this...?” Kara pouted her lips even more, making her, in Harry’s opinion, utterly adorable.

“Are they always like this?” Emma asked her daughter quietly as Harry and Kara flirted with one another. Harry won the round by stealing a quick on the lips of his girlfriend.

“Always...” Hermione said as she forced herself to finish another scallop. It was like chewing rubber. “This is nothing... you should see these two when they’re in a playful mood.”


“The main course is here.” Dan Granger spotted two waiters carrying five plates heading for their table.

Harry, Kara and the Grangers leaned back as the waiters removed their half eaten scallop dishes and placed plates of steak with mashed potatoes on their table.

Harry cut his steak and absently noticed some raw blood in the very center of the meat. He ignored this since he knew untrained cooks were the one that made this. He hoped he could cancel out the taste with this strange sauce. Harry swallowed painfully as the sauce burned his tongue. It was too spicy, not really appropriate gravy for steak, and he could detect traces of Worcestershire Sauce on the strange concoction.

The Wayne heir looked around and noticed Kara frowning as she chewed on her steak, and it was the same with the Grangers. He looked at the other tables and noticed that the other guests were struggling to eat the steak as other diners tried to compensate for the taste by flushing the food down with champagne or water.

“This is horrible!” Harry exclaimed. “Why aren’t the other customers complaining about this?”

“They’re scared of being thrown out. Usually if a person complains Marco would refuse to serve food to them and make them leave. People here usually remain quiet until near closing time where they will complain all they want.” Emma replied. She thought that the diners she watched on the show complaining about the food were exaggerating, but after experiencing the food first hand she had to agree with them.

“I’d like to return this set please.” Harry stopped a passing waiter. “And can you please tell the chef that the steak is not cooked well? There’s still blood in there.”

The waiter eyed the brave young man. He nodded immediately and signaled to the other waiters to help him pick up the plates on the table.

“Harry you don’t have to do that... we can just leave anytime...” Emma Granger said suddenly shy as the cameras turned to their table. She recognized the host of hell’s kitchen approaching them and she hastily tried to smooth out her dress... she knew her friends from the neighborhood were them watching right now.

“Marco said that if you have a problem with his cooking, that you should tell it to his face.... now who is the naïve soul that made the complaint?” The host asked the table.

“I did...” Harry removed the cloth on his lap and stood up. He loved cooking and sharing his dishes to his friends and family, and what was happening here was against what he had learned for years as a chef.

“And your name sir?” The host asked as the cameras zoomed closer to the latest victim of Marco.

“Harry Wayne.” The Wayne heir said as he straightened up, giving the host a raised eyebrow.

The host’s eyes widened and several of the producers of the show started whispering to each other. “Oh... pleased to meet you Mr. Wayne.... would you come and follow me please?” The Host said politely, flustered at treating the important guest rudely.

The other diners heard the brief interview and a buzz started at the once quiet restaurant. News of the young celebrity chef from the colonies dining at Hell’s kitchen caused a stir and journalists immediately started taking down notes. The added bonus was that the Wayne heir seemed to have a problem with the food, and Marco could not just dismiss this disgruntled customer as ignorant and naïve. He was facing a cooking prodigy and although young had made a good following around the world.

Marco’s eyes stared at the latest complainant and he prepared his evil glare. When the complainant got closer, one female celebrity chef recognized the young man.

“It’s Chef Harry!” Celebrity Contestant Abby exclaimed. “Harry! Harry!” Abby waved furiously as the other chefs stopped cleaning their stations to get a better look at the popular young chef.

Marco recognized the name Wayne though he did not know of the celebrity chef. He realized that he better handle this in a more delicate fashion. “Is there a problem?” He asked.

Harry stared at the man in the eye for a moment and replied. “Yes actually.... I understand why the steak was undercooked and the scallops overcooked, and it was because of the celebrity chefs cooking them. What I don’t like is that as the head Chef, isn’t it your responsibility to uphold the quality of the food you served?”

“Oh so you think you know better do you?” Marco asked as he folded his arms. “I’d like to see you donning an apron and cooking for a table.”

Harry smiled and began to roll up his sleeves. “Lead the way, Marco.”


“I hope you learned something tonight.”


“Yes what?”


Marco shouted as the celebrity chefs behind him laughed and sniggered.

Harry nodded in approval and waved goodbye to his new acquaintances leaving a very full and satisfied Kara and Granger family.

Marco watched the young man leave and made a mental note to thank him in the future. The young Chef’s suggestion on the scallops was unorthodox, but brilliant. He could have never thought that the mess on the bottom of the pan used for the scallops could be used to strengthen its aroma and flavor.

He noticed the young man gave him a last look and he unconsciously shivered. For some reason he could not explain, he wanted to avoid any fight or confrontation with that young man.


Headmaster’s Office, Hogwarts

“I’m surprised that the pureblood supremacists have not yet flocked to Voldemort’s side” Albus said to the assembled Order of the Phoenix, the world’s best and most talented wizards and witches. They were discipline and trained to handle just about any crisis that threatened the peace of the magical world. “Alastor, do you have any idea why?”

The old auror did not reply to him and the Headmaster looked intently at his old friend. Albus sighed and threw a piece of lemon drop towards the sleeping figure of Alastor Moody who had the gall to snore while in the middle of the meeting.

The old Auror roared to life and started firing hexes around. Molly Weasley shrieked and toppled of her chair as spells flew past her head while Minerva tried to calm down the surprised retired auror.


Albus winced as he heard the destruction of one of his antique muggle musical devices and he gave a disapproving stare to Arthur Weasley who was caught red handed. This was why he rarely used his office for the meetings, but there was no suitable place he felt that had adequate security than his office. And that over grown kid Arthur Weasley couldn’t resist playing with his collection... next time he would lock his muggle antiques before he would allow the man to come in.

Alastor Moody finally calmed down when he realized he was not surrounded by death eaters and the man gave a sheepish grin to the Headmaster.

“What were you saying Albus?” Mad eye asked, ignoring the stares directed at him by the other order members.

“I wanted your thoughts about the purebloods supremacists that have yet to declare their support to Voldemort now that he is reborn.” Dumbledore said patiently.

“I’ve heard rumors about that” Moody said. “The reason they’re not rushing to Voldemort’s feet is because they’re scared.”

“Scared?” Minerva asked.

“Yes scared shitless” Moody laughed for a moment “... you see rumor has it... that Voldemort declared the death eaters that abandoned him as traitors... and now that he has these Dementors to do his bidding... he doesn’t need his death eaters that much.” Moody said.

The Order members became silent as they realized what they were up against... their primary enemies now were the Dementors... virtually immune to any spell except the Patronus charm and capable of sucking a person’s soul.

Albus broke the silence when he realized that Sirius Black was not present, and he asked Remus Lupin, the man’s friend for an explanation.

“He doesn’t want to be part of the order Albus.” Remus said.

“He’s still angry with me then.” Dumbledore said.

“That, and he doesn’t trust the order anymore... after all no one tried to help him when he was accused of betraying the Potters all those years ago.” Remus said. “He said he would be in league with others that value justice”

“Shame... the lad was a good fighter... I guess he would be joining the French Foreign Legion’s magical division then... they’re the only competent bunch in the continent. “Moody said. He remembered young black when he first entered the auror academy. The disowned Black heir showed a lot of promise back then and he was expected to become head of the Department of Magical Law enforcement in the future.

“Another issue I would like to bring up is about the organization that intervened during the Tri wizard tournament and aided in Neville’s escape from the Dark Lord.” Albus said.

The Order members visibly straightened up with excitement as they listened to the Headmaster. For days they were eager to hear more about the strange and powerful Apollo but news about the wizarding world’s mysterious savior was few and far between.

“Has the Ministry of Magic made any progress in contacting these individuals?” Minerva asked.

“Fudge tried asking help from the muggle prime minister but the League remains elusive and refused to meet with the Ministry of Magic’s representative after the initial meeting.” Albus said.

“Who is the representative?” Filius Flitwick asked.

“Dolores... Umbridge.” Dumbledore replied.

“Ah” the rest of the order nodded in understanding. They could see why the powerful organization they were trying to form an alliance with would refuse to deal with a person such as Dolores.

“I think it’s time for a more direct approach.” Albus suggested.

“Don’t you think that’s too aggressive?” Kingsley asked. “If what the rumors are true, they might misinterpret this as an attack on their organization and respond with force.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need their help... we need to be ready before Voldemort makes his move.” Albus said. “They call themselves the Justice League... and if they fight for the light then they will understand what’s at stake... I will personally head to their public relations office in Metropolis in the Colonies and ask for an informal meeting... anyone who wishes can accompany me.”

Minerva and Kingsely raised their hands and he smiled gratefully at them as he wrote down their names. He looked at his agenda list and when all matters of importance have been discussed he dismissed his members.

As the members of the order stood up from the dozens of conjured chairs, his sharp eyesight noticed that Mundungus Fletcher was trying to pocket several of his rare silver instruments. The thief was using the confusion of two dozen members trying to squeeze past a single door at once to make off with his loot.

Albus Dumbledore sighed and flicked his wand, knocking the man unconscious. The thief fell to the floor and several silver instruments fell out of his pockets. Kingsley patted the man down to make sure his pockets were completely empty and dragged the thief out of the office.

Dumbledore leaned back on his high back chair and massaged his head. The world’s best and talented wizards indeed.


4 pm May 2, Wayne Manor, Gotham United States


“Come back here Astraea!” Diana said as she chased her excited daughter through the halls of the manor. The young Wayne heiress knew that something special was planned later as dozens and dozens of people rushed past the corridor and into the main ballroom.

The two year old girl was surprisingly quick on her feet for her age and proved difficult to keep an eye on. Astraea rounded a corner making her mother run despite the dress the elder Amazon princess wore. Ever since the attack on her daughter, she rarely left her side and vowed no Dementor would get a hundred feet near her precious baby.

Her mother, Hippolyta, in reaction to the attack to her precious granddaughter provided two of her best warriors with enchanted weapons to guard Themyscira’s newest princess from future harm. What was worse was the Wayne men approved of it completely and even became more guarded with their women and with Astraea.

“Haweeee!!! Kawaaa!!!”

Diana heard her daughter shout and the stressed out Amazon mother relaxed. She rounded the corner and found her son carrying his younger sister while Kara carried a large package wrapped in pink.

“Thank Hera you are here Harry. She’s so excited that it took me ten minutes just to dress her.” Diana said. She used the opportunity to finish tying the bow on her daughter’s dress and she stood back and admired her work. Astraea looked very adorable indeed with her pink and blue dress.

“She’s just excited mum... she knows something big is planned for her don’t you princess?” Harry said as he rubbed his nose with his baby sister. Astraea giggled and shouted “Yah!” in agreement with her brother though she barely recognized most of the words he said.

“I’ve tried distracting her but she knows instinctively that something’s up.” Diana said as she held out her arms for her daughter. Harry handed his sister back to their mother with some opposition from the birthday girl, but she was no match from the gentle hum in her mother’s voice that was slowly making her fall asleep.

“I better put her to bed... she needs to sleep before the party so that she can at least have some energy to charm her guests.” Diana said softly. “You too should start getting ready.” Diana kissed the cheek of her son and her future daughter in law and headed back to the main bedroom.

“Mum’s right... we have to prepare for the party.” Harry said. He and Kara headed towards his room where their clothes were already waiting for them on the bed.

Kara removed her sweater and pants and headed towards the bathroom to prepare the water. “Anyone we know from the normal guest list?” Kara asked.

There were always too guest lists in a public party hosted by Bruce Wayne and his family. The ‘normal’ one consisted of the board of governors of Wayne group of companies, Celebrities, Media personalities and government officials. This was the list released to the public and the media always use this list as basis for determining the most powerful and most influential people in Gotham and the world for the year.

The ‘other’ list consisted of Justice League members, associate groups, magical practioners and even aliens, though they have to wear disguises to attend the public events.

“Just the same people.” Harry said as he checked a few messages in his communications device. He removed his own shirt and pants, eager for a long soak after a long day at the mall. He followed Kara into the room and found his fiancé already submerged in the large tub, her blue eyes staring at him and wearing a satisfied smile.

“Shayera’s coming though. She finds Astraea very cute.” Harry said as he lowered himself to the other end of the tub.

“I like Shayera.” Kara said as she absently played footise with Harry. The Kryptonian stretched her arms and sighed as she lay back on the gently sloping wall of the large tub. “I hope Astraea likes the gift we picked out for her.”

“I’m sure she will.” Harry said confidently. “We spent the whole morning and the better part of the afternoon looking for the perfect gift.”

“Did Hermione and Daphne arrive yet?” Kara asked.

Harry glance at the clock on the wall to check the time. 4.30. “If everything’s on schedule, then the Lance jump jet should be arriving any moment now. And Fleur and Gabrielle’s going with them, Zatanna just informed me while you were preparing the tub.”

“That’s nice... I miss Fleur and I really haven’t had the chance to talk to her since she was so busy with the Tri wizard Tournament” Kara said.

She noticed Harry was slowly drifting off to sleep, and she could not blame him... it seemed that shopping had strange energy sapping properties that women were immune. However she did not want to have her fiancé sleeping in on her and decided to do something about it.

Harry felt a heavy weight on his chest and a something nudge his nose, and the Wayne heir opened his eyes to find Kara using her feet to tickle him.

“Kara....” Harry groaned. “What are you doing?”

The Kryptonian just smiled and this time moved her feet to her boyfriend’s waist where she knew he was ticklish. Harry realized what she was trying to do and grinned. He grabbed each leg with an arm and promptly began to tickle his naughty girlfriend. Kara shrieked and she kicked in reflex, sending Harry flying through the wall and into her room.

“What was that?” Hermione asked as she heard a loud sound.

“Bring out your wands, were going to investigate this.” Zatanna said. “Alfred can you take care of Gabrielle for me?”

The Butler nodded and spoke in French to the cute little girl and led her to a safer room.

Zatanna ran up the grand staircase and met Diana who was carrying Astraea while two Amazons guards look around suspiciously.

“It doesn’t seem like an attack.... more like an accident.” Diana said. “It sounded like it came from Kara’s room.”

Zatanna nodded and used her magic to open the door. She found a laughing Wayne heir in the process of tying the belt on a bathrobe while his girlfriend did the same. Both were soaking wet and debris littered the marble floor.

“I’m sorry again Harry...” Kara said as she giggled. “But you touched me down there and you know how ticklish I am.”

Hermione, Daphne and Fleur exchanged scandalized looks as they thought of what Harry and Kara were doing earlier.


Harry suddenly turned around and found his family and friends staring at him.

“What happened here?” Diana asked as she raised a fist on her waist and struck a pose that meant disapproval.

“It’s my fault Diana... I kind of kicked Harry hard.” Kara said as she ignored the grins sent to her by Daphne and Fleur. “We were both in the tub when...”

“You were both in a tub together?” Diana asked as she stared at her son and her future daughter in law with a look Harry couldn’t place.

“Yeah mum... we were preparing for the party...” Harry said.

Unbelievably, the Amazon mother of two started sniffing and Astraea wondered what was wrong with her mother. She touched her mother’s cheek to get her attention and Diana looked fondly at her daughter.

“Oh My little baby boy is all grown up... My baby Harry... Astraea don’t grow up too fast okay? Don’t leave poor mommy alone.” Diana said as she headed back to her and Bruce’s room followed by two amused Amazonian guards who were eager to report to their queen about possible grandbabies on the way courtesy of Diana’s son Apollo.

“Well that was awkward.” Harry said as he removed a pair of plaster stuck on his hair.

“I won’t say anything...” Zatanna said as she smirked at the Wayne heir. “... though I bet Clark would love to hear this.”

“By Oa... no!” Harry said in a horrified voice. Zatanna just laughed and headed back to the ground floor, eager to share with Alfred the latest gossip. It seemed Harry had started sowing his seeds and to his future bride no less. She was sure Huntress and Katma would get a kick out of the news.

“Hi Hermione, Daphne... Fleur.” Kara greeted her three amused friends. Eager for gossip the three girls dragged their friend back towards her room and unceremoniously shoved Harry though the wall that he came from. Harry was about to protest when Fleur waved her wand and the pieces of marble, stone and plaster flew back to the damaged wall and a moment later any trace of damage was gone.

Harry sighed and absently repaired the damaged tub and sighed as he relaxed on the warm water. This time he could have a nap undisturbed.


“Were you doing it?” Fleur asked eagerly

“No... we were fooling around... Not like that.” Kara said as she noticed the grin on Daphne’s face. “I was trying to prevent Harry from falling asleep on me by using my feet... and he suddenly tickled them. I kicked out in surprise and before I knew it Harry was through the wall and laughing.”

“But you were both naked!” Hermione said as she noticed the robe that clung to her friend’s curves. She was sure nothing was worn underneath.

“Well yeah... so?” Kara said.

“So?! You were both butt naked and you were not fooling around?” Hermione asked.

“Well no... there is some groping occasionally but we never went all the way.” Kara admitted.

“When did this start?” Fleur asked as she sat on her friend’s large bed. Kara looked uncertain of what to say but Hermione and Daphne urged her to spill. The young woman finally relented and she tied her removed a towel that was on her side table and began drying her hair.

“It started last summer...” Kara began. “I heard from my classmates at school about it and I was curious. I noticed Harry was eyeing me up more often when we were at the beach.”

“And? ... What did you do?” Fleur asked.

“You know Harry and I never keep anything from one another... so I told him about it. I had an idea to bathe together and Harry liked it.” Kara said.

“Why did you do that?” Daphne asked. “Weren’t you embarrassed?”

“We’re engaged to be married... he’s going to see this all anyway and I’m going to see him. After that shower we sort of liked it and since then modesty did not become an issue between us.” Kara said.

“That’s so Romantic....” Daphne said. “And Harry is really growing up nicely.” The red haired girl said as she remembered her best friend in the silk Robe.

“I agree.” Fleur said. “Harry is becoming a man now... and his butt looks adorable.”

“Stop perving on my boyfriend!” Kara said though there was an amused smile on her face. soon shrieks and laughter were heard in Kara’s room as the four girls teased and hit pillows with each other. This all happened while the Wayne heir in the next room slept on peacefully, with a small smile on his face glad to recover lost energy from the dangerous and deadly ritual of shopping.


May 3, Justice League Embassy, Metropolis, United States.

An old man with a very long beard and woman in a green dress walked past a group of school children who were having a field trip on one of the most popular embassies in the world. The old man smiled as he spotted a few of the children run past him carrying action figures of their favorite superheroes and continued on while the woman looked uneasy and hurried to catch up with her companion.

A wave of his hand caused the attendant who were suppose to inspect their person suddenly remember that he had forgotten something at his office. Albus Dumbledore was determined to speak with someone important, and schedule a meeting with the powerful organization.

The receptionist looked up and frowned as she noticed two people walked past the restricted section. She was about to alert the security personnel when a large black man with a shaved head waved his stick and the receptionist suddenly felt sleepy.

Albus Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minerva McGonagall walked past the wide hallway where various paintings of the superheroes were hung. Albus was looking for a meta human in a strange costume but he was disappointed he only saw ordinary muggles.

Minerva looked on with disapproval at the revealing costumes while Kingsley appeared to enjoy them.

“Where are these Meta human? Minerva muttered, looking around the area.

The headmaster was about to reply when he stopped when a purple light materialized in front of them. Dumbledore, Minerva and Kingsley immediately raised their wands expecting an attack.

“You do know it’s rude to enter one’s property uninvited Albus Dumbledore” A man in a golden mask said as he stepped of through the portal. Columns of silver light surrounded the two wizards and one witch and Albus found themselves surrounded.

“I have come to request a dialogue with your organization.... who is your leader?” Albus said calmly. He subtly stared at the eyes of one young woman with a staff to get more information when the woman gasped and reacted, sending a burst of energy towards the wizard.

Albus promptly responded by casting a silver shield while Minerva and Kingsley started firing curses, thinking they were under attack. The staff members of the embassy herded the civilians out of harm’s way while some promptly called for more backup.

Dr. Fate waved his hands and suddenly the three intruders found themselves staring at an unfamiliar place where the sky twisted and morphed into strange colors and large boulders floated in the air.

“Where have you taken us?” Minerva demanded as she pointed her wand at the masked figure.

“You were a danger to civilians when you started sending out curses with no regard who would get hit and so I transported you to a pocket dimension. I find your feeble attempts at legillimency on Stargirl an attack on our organization... Know that the Justice League Members are protected from the mid arts. One more incident and we will respond accordingly.” The man’s eyes flashed with power as he delivered the not so subtle threat.

“We are pressed for time and I need to speak to your leader.” Dumbledore straightened up and began to show off his impressive power, refusing to be intimidated. The Headmaster flicked his wand in a complicated runic pattern and the two wizards and one witch found themselves back into the now empty embassy.

“Drop your wands!”

Albus stared at the young woman he attempted to perform legillimency earlier and gave her a kind smile. “I’m afraid that is not possible... I refuse to relinquish my wand... now would someone please take us to the leader with the Justice League?” Albus knew he had to speak from a position of power. “My colleagues and I grow impatient... and I’m afraid we have to take matters into our own hands if we are continued to be treated like this.”

At this implied threat Stargirl gripped her staff and it began to gather the cosmic energies once again while Huntress drew her bow and aimed at the twinkling eye of Albus Dumbledore. Other League members watched the three intruders warily waiting for them to make the first move.

“What’s going on here?”

Stargirl released a breath she was holding and smiled when she found Superman hovering behind her, six feet in the air with his arms crossed to his chest.

“These three intruders stormed our embassy and insisted a dialogue with the leader of the Justice League.” Dr. Fate said as he materialized in front of Superman.

Superman’s eyes flashed as he recognized the old man and he gave subtle glances to his fellow league members to stand down.

“Albus Dumbledore... what are you doing here?” Superman asked.

The headmaster raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You know who I am?”

Superman merely nodded. “Answer my question.”

The headmaster stared at the... strange human that floated on air. He was a tall man, perhaps taller than Kingsley and had an amazing physique. The man exuded confidence and his eyes showed inner power, one that Albus was reluctant to test out. This must be the Leader.

“We are here to initiate talks between the Order of the Phoenix and the Justice League regarding a possible alliance.” Albus said.

“With the way you arrogantly acted today? I doubt it.” Stargirl said but she stopped when Super raised his hands.

“You could have done that through the proper channels. A simple letter delivered to us through this embassy or to the American Government would have sufficed. Why did you feel the need to storm our embassy and antagonize us?” Superman asked as he stared with disapproval at the three magical beings.

“Time is of the essence...” Dumbledore replied. “A grave threat threatens the magical and muggle world and we need help.”

“Very well... we will speak to her then.” Superman nodded slightly at Minerva McGonagall who looked surprised.

“Pardon... but I’m the leader here...” Albus protested.

“And you acted aggressively to one of the League Members without provocation. I find that unacceptable and it bothers me that as leader you should have shown greater restraint.” Superman said. “Now we request you to leave peacefully... and we will contact you Madam.”

“Do you need my Floo address?” Minerva asked.”How can you contact me?”

“We have our ways.” Superman smiled. “Goodbye.”

Dr. Fate waved his hands and a bright purple light engulfed the whole room. As the light faded, Albus found himself staring at the exterior of the embassy while Minerva and Kingsley looked around in confusion. Albus frowned. This was not good... he hoped this meta humans were willing to cooperate unconditionally with the Order members... its seems it was not the case.”


Office of the Minister of Magic, London

Fudge looked up from reading the daily prophet when a chime sounded. His executive floo burst in to flames and revealed the face of Allen Brown, his counterpart from the United States.

“Allen! What do I owe the pleasure of your call?” Cornelius Fudge asked politely.

“The American Government just informed me that Albus Dumbledore and his two associates stormed the embassy of the Justice League in Metropolis City demanding a meeting with the League Leaders.” Allen Brown said. “Although the Justice League did not lodge any formal complaint, the American Government wants to be in their good graces and has asked me to tell you that another repeat of that incident will not be tolerated.”

“I am not aware of this” Cornelius Fudge said as he gripped his quill hard. That old fool was trying to go behind his back.

“Well I’m telling you... tell Dumbledore that the borders of Unites states are closed to him... both magical and normal.” Allen Brown said.

“I understand...” Cornelius Fudge said. At least the Americans did not file an official complaint with the International confederation of Wizards as that would greatly embarrass his administration. The flame to the executive floo died out and Fudge sent a spell towards his aide.

“Yes Minister Fudge?” Wetherby asked as he entered the luxurious office.

“Get Dumbledore here now!” Fudge said. “I don’t care if he is busy or sucking on his lemon drops, I want him here within the hour!”

“Yes Minister!” The thin red head said immediately and rushed to obey the orders.

Cornelius Fudge sighed and relaxed in his chair. It was not bad as he feared when he first thought You Know Who was reborn... ever since the appearance of “Apollo” the population felt that they have a champion of their own, one that was able to send the Dark Lord running with his tail between his legs.

Fudge used this to bolster the popularity of his administration, and to ensure that he appeared serious it battling the Dark Lord, he increased the budget to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to the delight of Madam Bones, the DMLE Director. Surprisingly his proposal for the increased budget went unhindered as the traditionalists and purebloods supported in a rare show of solidarity did not even raise an objection and completely agreed with Dumbledore’s faction.

What he missed though was the absence of his friend Lucius Malfoy. The man was surprisingly hard to get into contact with as he never stayed at his luxurious mansion that Cornelius Fudge secretly coveted. It was the same with his old campaign supporters... it seemed that fishing and camping were popular again. Not to be left out, the Minister ordered a luxurious tent complete with all the amenities suitable for a man of his position.


“Well Bellatrix? What have you learned from your mission?” Lord Voldemort asked.

“They call him Apollo.” The insane woman said as she bowed before her lord. “Rumors say that he is The Olympian God that has come down to aid the light side.”

Lord Voldemort grinned. “Am I that powerful that I have reached the levels of Divinity? And that they would have to send a fellow God to stop me?”

No one replied as they knew the Dark Lord was not expecting any answer to his rhetorical question. “I am nearing the power of the Gods... but Apollo has defeated me twice... I must get stronger. As Dumbledore and Longbottom called on Divinity to help their cause... so shall I.”

“Bellatrix.... Bellatrix!” Lord Voldemort narrowed his eyes at the insane woman who was sending hot looks to a nearby Dementor. The Dementor was looking uncomfortable as its long hands tightened on its cloak to protect its modesty from the lustful stare. “Stop flirting with my minions!”

“Forgive me My Lord.” Bellatrix said and when she thought her master was not looking sent a wink to the Dementor. The poor dark creature recoiled at this as if it was hit by a Patronus charm. Who knew these Dementors where as shy as a provincial lass that just arrived in the city?

The Dark Lord wondered if he should have saved his three old followers. He did not doubt their loyalty and devotion to him but years in Azkaban change them... and his right hand, Bellatrix had gone completely insane. The Woman had become a like a female lioness in heat ever since she has recovered and as soon as she finished with her poor husband and brother in law, she had tried flirting with the Dementors. It was a great shock to learn that the screams Bellatrix Lestrange let out while in prison was not out of horror but of orgasmic pleasure as she admitted that the Dementors turned her on when they passed by her cell.

As Bellatrix continued to harass the Dementors, Voldemort knew who he should call for. The memories of the High Dementor he absorbed gave him the crucial information, and knew the only Demon powerful enough to even kill Gods. He needed to summon Demon Lord Trigon.


8pm, Wayne Manor, Gotham City

The birthday party for the Wayne heiress had gone well and as soon as Astraea blew out her birthday cake and this time without any help from her brother or mother gifts were soon presented to her and the party for the adults began.

This was not just a birthday party for Astraea, some businessmen used the occasion to seal mergers and deals, military contracts and acquisitions.

The celebrities cozied up to producers hoping for future roles, while the producers hang around Bruce Wayne hoping that he would fund their latest film. Unlike the previous parties Harry could not escape as easily as before as he was now surrounded by his own fans and admirers, all eager to hear tips on cooking even though everything he used on his show Chef Harry was in the book.

As the party moved well past the birthday’s girl sleeping time, she grew sleepy and her big brother carried her in his strong arms. The birthday girl leaned her head on her brother’s chest as she stared at her guests through sleepy eyes, while their mother looked on proudly.

“You must be proud of your children...” One socialite said. “And Harry appears to be very protective of her sister....”

“They are very close. You do know my son changed his sister’s diapers and prepared her food.” Diana said proudly.

“But he’s so young!” Mrs. Janice Gibson, the mayor’s wife said. “He’s so responsible... you know I watch his show every week... do you think he can give an autograph to a friend of mine?”

Diana smiled and nodded. “I’m sure he could.” The proud mother called her son over .

“Honey, could you give and autograph to Mrs. Gibson?” Diana sked.

“Of course.” Harry said as he fished a pen out of his pocket. Astraea made a move to catch the black and gold pen but her brother was too fast for her.

“To who is this for?” Harry asked as he smiled at the Mayor’s wife.

“To my friend.... can you write down with all my love?” The Mayor’s wife said eagerly as she placed a cook book that contained all the recipes of Chef Harry in front of the celebrity chef.”

“Uhhh Sure...” Harry said as he leaned down to sign his name while Astraea looked on curiously. “What’s your friend’s name Mrs. Gibson?”

“It’s Janice” The Old Woman said as she tried to look innocent.


The Demon Lord laughed as he sensed dark forces trying to summon him to a plane that he was previously banished millions of years ago. It would take time, but he was patient. He had waited for so long... a year more of waiting is nothing.

His massive hands clenched to his fists and he felt pleasure as his sharp nails dug in his skin drawing black blood.

The blood dripped into an unfortunate low level demon passing through and it shrieked and scratched it eyes out as it felt its skin burn

When he reached that plane he would show his defiant daughter the meaning of eternal damnation.

Raven woke up breathing hard. She felt the sweat on her forehead and she wiped it absently. The Teen Titan headed to the now often used kitchen to get a drink when a bolt of energy appeared out of her wands when she felt that she wasn’t alone in the large room.

“Easy Raven... It's just me”

The Half demon sighed and let the energy theat built up in her hands dissipate.

"Someone's trying to bring father back." Raven said to her leader. "It's sooner than i expected"

Robin frowned as he considered the implications of the eventual Omega Class threat. "Do you have any idea who'se crazy enough to work for the destruction of our world?"

"I'm not sure yet..." Raven said. "I need to tell Harry."


A/N: Reviews? Suggestions?

I’m very happy the author Ruskybyte is active again! Culture Shock mania! YAAAAAHHH! (sorry just had to get that out)

To clarify things, Culture Shock is not the story updated but he posted a fantastic one shot that i wish he would continue into a series. His writing style is brilliant he's the only writer i know that could pull that Billy and Mandy/ HArry Potter/ Final destination theme. And the underage sex is perfectly fine, it fits the story.

Edited, thanks for pointing some errors Stonegonome1.

I just learned that an author is writing a story very similar to mine... the time line and even quite a few of the characters though he/she changed some plots quite a bit.

I read it... i don't think it's really plagiarism or even stealing (hey this is fan fiction), but it would be nice if he/she acknowledges that she got an idea from my work. It's an honor system here anyway, you just deal with your conscience and by your own merits and let the readers decide. I should even be happy someone finds my idea good enough to use on their story.

I won't bitch anymore.

On to chapter 28!
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