Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH109 - Lust

by GuardianOfLight

How could things get any worse?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Dumbledore,Fleur,Harry,Hermione,Ron,Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-04 - 3572 words

Chapter 109 - Lust

Dimension: 1375 - Earth
Date: 4th November 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogwarts - Quests Common Room
Time: Late Morning

"I still cannot believe that we get Umbitch back." Sighed Ron.

"I'm sorry Ron, there was nothing we could do to stop it," Harry replied whilst Fleur sat on his lap "Fudge gave us so many things to oppose that I am afraid having Umbridge here was the least dangerous of all his proposed measures."

"I still can't believe your Wizard mop thing actually agreed to those laws you told us about," added Buffy "It's like big brother but for an entire country."

"The Wizarding population of one anyway." Agreed Anne.

The younger Scoobies, teachers and friends were gathered in the Scoobies Common Room as it was probably the most comfortable room in the castle that was private and big enough to hold everyone.

"It does suck big time." Agreed Anya "Imagine having to close your shop by law because people weren't allowed to enter it, its barbaric."

As the clock chimed twelve Xander and Spike stretched and stood.

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm hungry?"

"Is there ever a time when you are not." Spike replied.

"Watch it fangless."

"Not fangless anymore remember."

There had been some discussion about whether it was still safe to have Spike around and it was agreed that he would be watched more closely but other than that he would be allowed the same access to the school as before.

Ignoring the little bickering match Ron, Hermione, Anya, Anne and Buffy all stood and follower Xander off towards the Great Hall.

"I'll be in the Library if anybody feels like sparring." Stated Spike before turning and heading towards the door.

"Wait." Called Willow as she Tara and Colette all stood "Were coming to, I found this book all about the Wizarding View on Wiccan Magic but I already have so many books out I am not allowed to take it out of the Library."

"Well come on then." He sighed turning and holding the door open for them as they filed out.

"Do you think we should have gone after Hermione and told her that they were going to the Library?" asked Neville.

"No," grinned Harry "She spends far too much time there as it is. But before we get too settled I think that now would be a good time to give Dawn some more spell training."

"Actually lunch sounds like a good idea." The brunette in question replied making a bolt for the door, only to be stopped as Tonks sent a spell at it which prevented it from opening.

"Whose side are you on?" Moaned Dawn as she struggled with the door.

"The boy wonders over there." the currently blue haired woman grinned.

"You need to learn to control your powers." Agreed Fleur.

"Tell you what," smiled Tonks "If you can open that door without atomizing it we won't try to teach you."

"No fair." Groaned the brunette who was now trying to use her foot and the wall for leverage.

"Come on Dawn." Smiled Harry standing as Fleur moved off his lap "We'll go to the ROR so that you have no one to hurt but us. You coming beautiful?"

"You're a better practical teacher than I am."

"Oh the fun I could have with that statement." Chuckled Tonks, receiving a glare from Harry before he unsealed the door, making sure he had a hold of Dawn first.

"Come on Dawn, it will be easy."

"And then there were four." Smiled Tonks, look around the room at Fleur, Neville and Luna "Whatever shall we do."

Dimension: 1375 - Earth
Date: 4th November 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogwarts - Adam's Tower
Time: Noon

Up in his tower Adam was still updating his book, so much had happened in such a short space of time, it was taking him quite a while to write it all down.

As he finished a page and turned to the next he keeled forward in pain.

His head exploded in pain, it felt like it had been hit with a sledge hammer.

Something was seriously wrong.

Dimension: 1375 - Earth
Date: 4th November 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogwarts - Dumbledore's Office
Time: Late Morning

Up in the Headmasters rooms one of his instruments started to violently vibrate, wailing out a warning.

"Quick, get Albus!!" Shouted one of the portraits.

On the way down to the Great Hall Ron, Hermione, Anya, Xander and the Buffy twins where stopped in their tracks when a red wall of light past down the corridor, seemed to linger on their position for a moment before continuing on.

"What in the name of all that's Magical was that?" exclaimed Buffy.

"I have no idea." Anne replied "But I bet you it won't be good, guys lets go and find...."

She was cut off as she heard two thumps causing both of them to turn around.

Pressed against the wall behind them were Ron and Anya who were being held there by Hermione and Xander whilst participating in very energetic and frenzied make out sessions and it looked like it was rapidly going to progress further.

"What the hell are you doing?" Buffy exclaimed.

The four ignored her, hands and lips covering every bit of exposed flesh.

"Something magical is going on." Stated Anne.

"Xander!! Anya!!" tried Buffy pulling on the formers shoulder causing the pair to temporarily disengage.

Both of them glared at her through glowing red eyes.

"Go away." Growled Anya before shoving her away and going back to what they were doing.

"Oh yeah, definitely magical." Agreed Buffy.

The pairs separated briefly as Hermione and Xander ripped their partner's shirts open, exposing Ron's bare chest and Anya's black lace bra.

"If we don't do something quick this is going to get seriously adult rated," said Anne "And as much as Anya may like the idea I am pretty sure the other three especially Ron and Hermione would burn with humiliation and embarrassment."

"We have to break them up." Agreed Buffy.

"You knock out the guys, I will stun the girls." Replied Anne as she drew her wand and shot a stunner at Hermione who slumped to the floor.

Ron, looking rather wild looked down at Hermione before his attention turned to Anne.

"Ohhhh dear." she muttered as Ron began moving towards her.

Turning she only managed one step before he caught her and pressed her against the other wall, her hands pinned above her head.

"Buffy, helMMMM." Was all she managed before his lips descended on her.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before she felt the shock of Ron being punched in the head before slumping to the ground, the red light fading from his eyes as he lost consciousness.

"Thank you." She breathed at Buffy as they surveyed the scene "He might not be too bad on the eyes but I never wanted to kiss him."

"What the hell just happened?"

"I have no idea." She replied "But let me repair the ripped bits of clothing then I recommend that we get them into a classroom and lock them in there."

"Agreed, then go and find the others."

Several floors away Harry pushed Dawn up against the wall as the red light turned down the end of the corridor and continued on through the school.

They only stayed that way for a few seconds before Dawn spun them round and pushed Harry up against the wall before moving his hands down onto her arse.

"God I want you." Breathed Harry in between kisses.

"What about Fleur?" she asked as she un-tucked his shirt and ran her hands up under it, neither noticing the red light in each other's eyes.

"Fleur's not here." He replied "I know a better place to do this."

"Yeah." Dawn gasped as his hand ran up her leg to the hem of her short skirt.

"Somewhere we won't be bothered."

"Then take me there." She gasped pulling herself away from him before letting him pull her away along the corridor.

In the hallway Adam staggered down a corridor and found himself running alongside Dumbledore, Buffy, Anne and a rather battered Spike.

"Something very strange is happening." He commented falling into step beside them.

"You think?" Replied the Vampire "Because I would consider most of the population of the library suddenly losing all their inhibitions and having their desires maxed out perfectly normal."

"What happened?"

"I was quietly reading in the Library with Red, Glenda and the bird when this red light passed through the wall; I was about to ask what the hell had happened when the table turns over as all three of the women dive at each other and start tearing at each other's clothes."

"Sounds like what happened to us with Xander, Anya, Ron and Hermione," agreed Buffy "We've stunned them and locked them in a classroom."

"What happened to yours?" asked Buffy.

"Well, I was all for letting it continue when I notice that everyone else in the library over the age of about fourteen was similarly affected and not wanting to see a pair of kids making out I started knocking them out."

"He had managed to incapacitate everyone but Miss Rosenberg and Professor Fontanne when I arrived." Continued Dumbledore "By then they had turned their attention to him and were trying to do a combination of kissing and killing."

"Hence the burns and bruises."

"I managed to incapacitate Miss Rosenberg with a sleeping spell and had just shot a stunner at Professor Fontanne when the red glow left her eyes and she stopped her advances, she was hit by the spell but not wanting to risk more of the same we left her unconscious."

The scene that greeted the group as they passed into the Scoobies Common Room was significantly different to that which was occurring elsewhere in the school.

Neville had been knocked unconscious, presumably judging by his position from having his head whacked into the floor by either Tonks, Fleur or Luna who were tussling with each other to get at his unconscious form.

They enter just in time to see Tonks send a punch into Luna's jaw knocking her out before both she and Fleur returned to fighting each other.

"Get the others to safety." Ordered Adam "Spike and I will handle them."

"Leave the tough jobs for us." muttered the Vampire as the others moved over to Luna and Neville.

Advancing on the pair both sets of eyes snapped around as they saw Anne and Buffy begin to lift Neville off the ground.

"Ohhhh dear." Said Buffy slowly.

Both of the pair launched themselves at the Slayers, Tonks knocking Spike out with a morphed boxers sized fist as he tried to get in the way.

Back-pedalling the Slayers unfortunately ran into the sofa and were just at the wrong height as they fell backwards as Buffy's head hit the corner knocking her out.

"Oh for god sake." Cried Anne as Tonks tackled her; luckily her fist was back to its normal size as the pair flew backwards over the sofa.

Fleur began to change as she landed on Tonks back, and was about to plunge her claws into the Aurors neck when she was thrown across the room by Adam.

"Sorry Fleur, I can't let you do that."

The Veela ignores the comment and tried to reengage the struggling women.

Grabbing her ankles Adam held her back as she flapped wildly in the air.

"Can you handle Tonks by yourself?"

"Maybe, if you can keep Fleur out the way." Growled Anne as she forced Tonks hand away from her throat.

Sighing Adam gave a violent pull on Fleur's ankles, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him.

"Sorry Fleur, but this will probably be the easiest way to distract you." He whispered before touching his lips to hers.

He saw the confusion briefly in her hawk like eyes before she switched back to predatory mode as he threw her away from him and started heading for the door.

"That's it Fleur, follow the bird." He agreed as she followed after his now transforming form.

As Dumbledore tried to re-enter the room he was almost knocked off his feet as the doors slammed open and a familiar looking falcon dove out followed closely by a fully transformed Veela who was not worried in the slightest about damaging the school as the single remaining hinge on the door that led to the Common Room showed once she had passed through it.

Turning around he was just in time to see the pair fly around the corner, Fleur taking out several suits of armour as her large wings smashed their way along the corridor aided by leg thrusts off the wall.

Turning another corner Adam deliberately dived at several students walking down the corridor, forcing them to dive for cover so that they were on the floor when Fleur smashed her way around the corner, tearing great chunks of stone out of the wall with her talons as she flew over them.

That's it, just a few more meters.

Doing a sharp left he dived into an empty classroom and rapidly transformed back.

Hearing the terrible scrapping sound of Fleur's attempts to stop herself with her talons, he got back to the door as she tripped over her own wings and landed on the floor, just in time to receive his stunner.

"That was bracing."

Several minutes later in the Hospital Wing, all those that were controlled are in beds, Neville, Spike and Colette are conscious as were a couple of the students who were being controlled, most of them were looking very embarrassed at what they remembered. The rest were being left to come around naturally.

"The phenomenon, whatever it was occurred over the entire school," explained Dumbledore "I have heard from the Professors, ghosts and portraits that older students and adults in groups of two or more suddenly became extremely uninhibited all over the school."

"The glowing red eyes are a giveaway that this phenomenon is magical in nature, as is the fact that not all of the adults and students were affected." Agreed Giles "But why it only seemed to affect some people is still a mystery."

"Most of those who were affected seem to have been couples or people who were engaged in relationships that were close as with Miss Granger and Mr Weasley but others like Colette and Nymphadora seemed to react as well."

"Possibly Luna's feelings for Neville somehow were broadcast towards Tonks and Fleur," suggested Adam "The same with Colette, Willow and Tara."

"It's about as logical as the rest of this conjecture." Grumbled Snape, who was annoyed at being pulled away from a potion he was brewing to check the affected for poisons or drugs.

"The best description of what happened would be an extremely large lust spell," continued Giles "Except such a spell should not be possible on that level without extremely large reserves of power."

"Like James or myself." Agreed Adam "I did feel something when the spell took effect, I assumed it was something forcing its way over the wards but Albus tells me that the spell must have come from inside the school."

"This appears to be the case." agreed Dumbledore "I felt the spell impact the wards but on the inside only, the spell stopped upon contact with them."

They were distracted from their musings as the resident nurse made a sound of puzzlement.

"What is wrong Madam Pomfrey?"

"It's Professor Delacour Headmaster, unlike the others she seems to be having some sort of reaction to the spell, her body temperature is slightly higher than it should be and her heart race is increasing. I thought at first it may be related to her Veela ancestry but as Professor Fontaine is unaffected that cannot be the case. "

"Is she in any danger?" asked Adam as he moved over to the woman in question and began waving his hand over her muttering under his breath.

"I do not believe so, the reaction is similar to that of a person playing sports but as she is unconscious I can't see why that would happen."

A split second later Adam and Dumbledore's heads snapped around.

"Harry!!" they both exclaimed, realising for the first time that he wasn't present.

"Where's Dawn." Asked Giles a moments later.

"They were heading for the ROR." Mumbled Tonks as she rejoined the conscious world.

After exchanging looks Adam immediately followed by Colette, Spike and Neville all headed for the door at full pelt.

"I thought the spell had stopped!" exclaimed Madam Pomfrey as the doors banged shut after them.

"The only reason that those in here stopped is because they were stunned." Replied the Headmaster "Both Harry and Miss Summers may still be under its control."

Harry and Dawn almost stumbled through the door at the top of the Astronomy Tower, they had made it to the base of the tower ok but as soon as they were out of the main structure of the castle and into the narrower stairs they had slowed right down as they kept stopping to snog and feel each other up.

After the four of five minutes it had taken to actually reach the top of the tower, Harry's shirt had been ripped off and Dawn's blouse had been opened down to her stomach revealing her black bra.

"Took long enough." Panted Dawn as she moved over to the encircling wall around the top level of the tower "Now, where were we?"

"We need to move faster!!" shouted Colette as they spun around a corner in one of the higher corridors.

"I know Harry and the bit won't exactly be pleased about what they are no doubt doing," called Spike from where he and Neville were running slightly behind Adam and Colette "But it's not exactly going to be a disaster if we don't reach them in time."

"You don't understand," Called Colette as she kicked of a wall to change her direction down another corridor "Harry and Fleur are mated, their souls have literally been shared between them, each holds a half of the others and half of their own. It is supposed to be impossible for a Mated Veela or her Mate to be with anyone else but if Harry and Dawn do go at it, it could be fatal."

"What do you mean could be fatal?"

"I don't know, this sort of situation had never happened before, but if they climax I bet whatever the result won't be good."

Harry and Dawn dropped down onto the floor of the tower; Harry had just had time to conjure a scattering of cushions before they came back together and resumed their frenzied exploring.

"Enough touching." Growled Dawn "Take me, take me now!!"

"With pleasure." Smiled Harry as he reached up under her skirt and pulled down her matching black knickers.

Adam and Colette skidded to a halt in front of the Room of Requirements.

"Where's the door?" she demanded as Spike and Neville came to a stop behind them.

"The rooms not in use." Gasped the Gryffindor.

"He's right." agreed Adam running his hand over the wall.

"Then where are they?" Spike demanded.

Colette withdrew her wand and placed it on her palm whilst Adam closed his eyes and appeared to focus.

"Point me Harry Potter."

The wand spun around and pointed back down the corridor before the tip elevated and pointed up through the ceiling.

"The Astronomy Tower." Both replied.

"Oh that's not good." Groaned Neville as they began running again.

Harry groaned as Dawn ran her hand over his jeans before reaching for the zip.

"I want you now!"

"I can hear them now." Explained Adam as he grabbed a hold of a corner and swung himself around into the next corridor "It's not sounding good."

"We need to go faster." Exclaimed Spike, this time running level with them.

"We need to fly." Replied Colette as she and Adam began to transform.

"Deja vu!" Whispered Adam just before he fully transformed and flew off down the corridor, Colette in hot pursuit.

Harry thrust forward, making Dawn gasp.

"More, More. Faster. Faster!"

Colette's avian form blasted through the door at the base of the tower, Adam right behind her.

"I'm close. Please more!"

Neville and Spike passed through the doors at the bottom of the tower as Adam and Colette continued spiralling upwards along the steps.

"Harry!! I'm....I'm....!!"

The pair burst through the upper most door of the tower in time to see a bright light emerge from Harry and Dawn

Down in the Hospital Wing Fleur sat bolt upright, a similar light emanating from her and directed into the air.

It writhed around for a moment before returning to within her as she fell back into unconsciousness.

Transforming back Adam looked upon the now unconscious pair.

"We were too late."

AUTHORS NOTE: Hello all, just a few statistics about this story that I found surprising when I read them, don't know if you will find them interesting but I thought I would add them anyway. At the end of chapter 108, this story had been published for just one month short of 3 years (May 06) and 372,931 words have gone to make up this story so far. Wow.
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